Here 20 Word (Kata Sulit, Bahasa Indonesia - Bahasa Inggris, Part Of Speech)
● Controleur
○ Indonesian: Pengontrol
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Architecture
○ Indonesian: Arsitektur
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Executor
○ Indonesian: Pelaksana
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Foreman
○ Indonesian: Mandor
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Initiative
○ Indonesian: Inisiatif
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Magnificent
○ Indonesian: Megah
○ Part of Speech: Adjective
● Entrepreneur
○ Indonesian: Pengusaha
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Pondok
○ Indonesian: Pondok
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Cement
○ Indonesian: Semen
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Construction
○ Indonesian: Konstruksi
○ Part of Speech: Noun
● Icon
○ Indonesian: Ikon
○ Part of Speech: Noun