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Ruang Kelas

Institutionalization of Education Monitoring and Evaluation

17 Mei 2024   00:32 Diperbarui: 29 Mei 2024   12:03 96
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

One of the key aspects in evaluating the success of education is the evaluation process. This evaluation focuses on monitoring and assessing the results produced by educational institutions. The success or failure of education in achieving its goals can be determined through this evaluation. If the output of education is in line with the set objectives, then the education can be considered successful. However, if there is a mismatch, the evaluation may indicate failure. Thus, controlling can be interpreted as an effort to measure the level of success of an organization or educational institution in achieving its predetermined goals.

First: Basic Concepts of Educational Supervision Institutionalization

Institutional Education Supervision is the rules and signs as a guide used by education supervisors to regulate relationships that are mutually binding or interdependent. Institutional arrangements can be determined by several elements of operational rules to regulate resource utilization, collective rules to determine the enforcement of the law or the rules themselves and to change operational rules and regulate organizational authority relationships. Educational Evaluation Oversight Institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Education Office, education units (schools), BAN-S/M, and LPMP have the function of providing guidance, maintaining the integrity of society, and directing the social control system to improve the quality of educational institutions.

 Second: Institutional Capacity of Education Monitoring and Evaluation

The institutional capacity of supervision can be achieved by looking at four indicators, namely the purpose of institutional supervision of education, having a role function of institutional supervision of education, the existence of institutional innovation, including: the role of leadership in the institution, the function of leadership in the institution running, the values underlying cooperation, the division of roles of members, the pattern of authority in the institution, the commitment of members to the institution, funding sources, physical facilities, the quality of resources.

Third: Principal Duties, Functions and School Supervisors

School supervisors are functional positions in formal education, in charge of managerial and academic supervision. The main tasks include preparing supervision programs, coaching, monitoring the 8 National Education Standards, evaluating, mentoring teachers, and supervisory duties in special areas. Its functions include academic supervision (professional development of teachers) and managerial supervision (school management). Supervisors have the authority to determine work methods, performance levels, coaching programs and choose strategies to improve the quality of education. In carrying out their duties, supervisors act as assessors, researchers, developers, pioneers, motivators, consultants to achieve educational goals.

Forth: Authority, rights and activities of school supervisors

In carrying out their main duties and functions as school/education unit supervisors, each supervisor has the authority and rights attached to their position. School supervisors have the authority to determine quality improvement programs, work methods and assess school performance. Their rights include salary, allowances, operational costs and professional incentives. Their activities include preparing work programs, conducting assessments of learning outcomes and teachers, data analysis, providing direction to teachers, conducting assessments and monitoring, preparing reports, and providing advice to school authorities.

*) tulisan ini merupakan resensi dari mata kuliah Pengawasan dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Part 5 Kelas Non-Reg A/Semester II Program Studi Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Islam S-2 PPs. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Pengampu MK... Prof. Dr. H. A. Rusdiana, MM.

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