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Muhammad Tri Andika Kurniawan
Muhammad Tri Andika Kurniawan Mohon Tunggu... -

Lecture,Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Policy Studies.




The Fleas under Yudhoyono`s Armpit

9 Mei 2011   14:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:54 188
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The fleas in politics are not something new and it sometime exists. Yet, what has been happening in Indonesia political dynamic recently is very striking to be observed. As is known from media, several local politicos such as Dede Yusuf (wakil gubernur Jawa Barat) and M.Zainul Majdi (gubernur of NTB) have changed their political vehicle moving into Partai Demokrat. Another hot instance also can be seen in Maluku where several head of regencies (bupati Maluku Tengah, walikota Ambon, and bupati Kabupaten Seram ) are going to fight competing for DPD chairman seat of Partai Demokrat. Why and what is the logic reason behind it? Why they changed their political membership to Partai Demokrat?

It has been widely known that the moving of local politicos into Partai Demokrat as part of their strategy to deal with further electoral events, using PD as their vehicle since PD now has been becoming strongest political party. But, it is not the case if we consider another factor. Instead of using Partai Demokrat as political vehicle to gain more power in their local sites, Yudhoyono`s political security for their current status has been more attractive in regard with that case.

As reported by ICW (Indonesian Corruption Watch), there are seven head of regencies alleged corrupt felling safe under Yudhoyono`s political armpit. In fact, these seven politicos though have been alleged corrupt but still far from court as Yudhoyono`s postponed their “call letter” to be prosecuted. And there are still 61 corruption cases waiting for Yudhoyono`s approval to be processed.

Paradox decentralisastion

It has been often mentioned that decentralization is promising for efficiency, public empowerment, bringing the government closer to the people which finally it may make the state to be more discipline as well as the decline of corruption. But, what Indonesia has experienced at least after 2004 when decentralization has been strongly implemented, rampant corruption become inevitable news in daily political dynamic. It has been the paradox in the age of democracy Indonesia.

Form of corruption is varies. Sometime it relates with the control over the local state resources. Or it might be happened within the process of local budgeting in which so many misallocation gained by local politicos. As reported by Kompas 2001, at least 40 per cent of central government subsidies to the regions had been misappropriated.

This situation has trapped many head of regencies sent to the jail. For instances we can see with several head of regencies in Jawa Barat such as Eep Hidayat (bupati Subang), Mochtar Mohamad (walikota Bekasi), and Achmad Ruyat (wakil walikota Kota Bogor) who has been alleged with corruption in their area.

Counter the paradox

In order to counter the paradox, rather than being professional in the duty, move into Yudhoyono`s armpit has been more profitable and certain for local politicos. Political security provided by Yudhoyono through his party could be the possible reason behind the action of several local politicos. However, the patronage network built by Partai Demokrat would no longer exist if Yudhoyono is not really cautious with this phenomenon.

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