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Dr. Andi Hermawan M.Pd
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Recognize Yourself

2 Juli 2022   08:05 Diperbarui: 13 November 2022   15:07 194
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Life is not about rejecting what you don't like. Live to practice and prepare qualities so that you can receive what you love. So, don't focus on rejecting something, focus your mind and strength on accepting what you like. Obviously, this all starts with a great sense of gratitude for the life you live. There is no guarantee that what you plan and think will become your future. Only God knows best about everyone's future. Only God knows best what is good and what is not good for all of us. Therefore, whatever you are experiencing right now, have gratitude and a humble attitude. Gratitude and humility plus a patient and passionate attitude make your life path always a success.

Our real life is today. The past is just a memory, not in reality. The future still lives in the mind, not in reality. This day or this moment is the life we all have. If we don't enjoy this moment with gratitude and joy, then we are creating a bad life. Ours in life is nothing more than our breath in and out. Our existence is limited to the breath in and out. When the breath stops and no longer goes in and out, then it's all over. So, raise awareness to remind yourself of the importance of focusing on this moment joyfully.

Plant at this moment all the best seeds, you may not harvest them, but you have created good for the next life. Focus on the good things. Use all your time and energy only to bring about the good things in life. Create yourself into a positive energy that constantly brings only goodness and beauty to life. Don't waste time and energy worrying about something. Because, God's will is certain to happen, not your will or your plans.

When you feel wronged, treated unfairly, and feel victimized, then you will see it as a problem. Internal problems that come from outside are examples of self that does not know itself. If you don't know your true self, or don't yet have an identity, then all situations and events outside of you will become problems for your life.

The solution is always within you, not outside of you. The solution to fulfill your desires is with you. Within you, God has given you all the best potential for your well-being and happiness in life. So, if you are still looking for a solution out there, you will forever live in disappointment and feeling lost

You may have fear, hurt, worry, suspicion about situations outside of yourself; however, if you are sincere and come to terms with all these negative feelings, then you can definitely make peace with yourself and most of your problems will be gone. If you don't have sincere energy inside, then all these negative feelings and thoughts will become a big problem in your life. Obviously, problems are created from your thoughts and feelings that are not able to go inside yourself to find solutions. If you realize that in every difficulty there must be ease, then throughout life, you will have no problems. Problems only belong to people who are not convinced that there is a solution for all situations that don't work out the way they want. Only positive thoughts and calm feelings are able to regulate him so as not to get caught up in the pressures of life's problems.

Every problem is just a situation to make you more creative. So, the problem arises only to make you smarter, and to encourage you to immediately leave your comfort zone to a change zone. When your thoughts are creative and your actions are innovative, then a difficult situation inevitably results in many situations where it is easy to find the best solution. The point is, whatever the problem, you who are creative must be able to beat the problem in many ways or many solutions. You are creative and able to turn problems into opportunities. Instead of complaining and blaming others, you better focus your energy and time on increasing your own creativity. Complaints, protests, anger at the problem are not useful at all. It is your creativity and creative action that will find a solution for every situation that doesn't go according to your plan.

From a spiritual point of view, a problem is part of God's plan for the good of your life. So, if you believe that God is very helpful and loves you, then there will never be a problem in your life. Only situations that don't match your expectations and desires exist. It takes patience and composure to find the best solution. When God's will speaks, then no one has the power to change God's ways. No one is capable of having a choice when God's will is present. The only way is to accept it with a positive mind and face the problem. Don't let negative energy grow in the problem. Face the problem patiently, sincerely, bravely, calmly, and sure to get good from the problem.

Life is very dynamic and uncertain. If you want to be free from life's troubles, then you must be able to go through uncertain and testing times of your gratitude. No one knows or can predict when a storm will come into his life. Anyone who depends on his life outside of himself, then he is very easily hit by storms, then various life problems will make him weak and helpless. Anyone who prefers to be in the comfort zone of his life will be faced with life's problems. Only those who live from within are able to turn trouble into luck. Prepare mentally, prepare awareness, prepare a strong identity, so that you can easily face any problem, then turn the problem into a victory for your life.

Whatever God sends you accept and learn from it. Life is a lesson and the task of all of us is to learn to take the good. No need to be afraid, no need to panic, no need to be confused, no need to complain, no need to blame others. When a problem comes into your life, convince yourself that it is not a problem, but just a temporary situation. Face the situation with prayers and actions that come from good intentions. Don't have negative thoughts or bad emotions. Show your calm and relaxed self, focus your attention on your true self, then find the best solution from your positive inner voice. Remind yourself that life is a short journey that should be enjoyed in its beauty and goodness.

Be a person who relies on God for all the best solutions. No human intelligence and wisdom can solve problems in this world. Problems arise because we lose direction in life on the path of life that we are passing. Therefore, go back to your original self so that you can understand the right solution. Inside you who are sincere and sincere, there are various great potentials to be a solution to the problems you face.

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