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Dr. Andi Hermawan M.Pd
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Recognize Yourself

2 Juli 2022   08:05 Diperbarui: 13 November 2022   15:07 194
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Something you say and think about often creates your life. Your inner voice is constantly creating your life. Think and say everything that fits your life goals and dreams. Never think or say anything that is not your goal in life. So, focus totally on your life goals with optimism and full of confidence to succeed.

Your doubts, fears, impatience, and insecurity are the forces that cancel your success. Courage, composure, patience, perseverance, discipline, confidence, positive belief, and hard work are the forces that lead you to the pinnacle of success. Think and say over and over again about the forces that can take you to the pinnacle of success. Never let the voices of your heart and mind be noisy with a force that nullifies your success.

Don't be afraid to be rejected, don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid not to be successful. The words that your inner voice, mind, emotions and mouth speak every day, are destiny that manifests your reality. So start telling yourself over and over every second about everything you need or want in life. Ask God through your positive energy with full confidence and with all your heart, then God will surely give it to you. Have discipline, perseverance, hard work and constant effort until you succeed in getting what you want. Just a few words of doubt and pessimism sink into your subconscious mind, then your ten steps will bounce to the edge of failure. So, if you want everything you want to be successful, you have to be a positive energy who is one hundred percent optimistic to get whatever you want and dream of.

Develop positive habits in all aspects of your life. Daily practice kindness and practice kindness in all aspects of your life. Practice so that only good and beautiful things are produced by you. Practice so that your words, thoughts, intentions, actions, and actions are always in positive energy. When you become positive energy, then you also become a magnet that attracts all the beauty and goodness for the happiness of your life. The point is, in life, you have to be honest with yourself and never lie. If the words, intentions, and actions are not the same; then, you will definitely attract negative energy into your life. That is, you will attract bad luck into your life. Therefore, train and familiarize yourself to have the same intentions, words and deeds, so that your great integrity will surely bring you beauty and happiness throughout your life.

Success and failure are only part of the journey of life. The most important thing is not to allow your mind and inner voice to be constantly reminded or constantly talking about failures that have been experienced. Thoughts and conscience should only be in the energy of success. So, don't repeat negative words, either consciously or unconsciously. Show the attitudes, behaviors, mindsets, traits, and habits that make you a successful person. Never present or create the impression of an unsuccessful self.

Don't let your mind be noisy or your soul noisy by negative words over and over again. Obviously, negative words that repeat over and over in your mind or in your inner voice, are factories that create negative energy or failure energy. A heightened awareness to purposefully think and say positive words is a good habit that makes you strong with the energy of success.

When you want or need something good for your life, then believe and have high confidence to get it. Heartfelt determination and faith can fulfill your wants and needs. Determination of intentions, words, deeds, hard work, and words of positive belief repeated over and over again in the voice of the heart and mind is a great source of power to make all that you want come true.

Your resolve of integrity is the force that saves your spirit when trials and trials snuff out what you have built. Your determination to live your daily life with a focus on positive energy is the power that will pass you through every test of life. So, if every second the voice of your heart and mind is accustomed to positive words, then when the day of life's test comes, you already have the power of positive energy to focus on the test and get high success on the test. If you are not used to positive words or positive energy, then when the test day of life comes, you must be afraid and worry excessively. Obviously, when your soul is afraid and full of worries, then you are not able to focus on the test you have to face. As a result, you have the potential not to get success, so that you are sinking deeper into failure.

Positive words from your inner voice and in your mind are a successful force capable of influencing the course of your life. In this case, you have to wake up and cultivate spiritual power within yourself. The positive spiritual power within you awakens the energy of love, sincerity, affection, gratitude, gratitude, empathy, and prayers for the happiness of life for everyone.

Even though the reality is that you are short of money, don't ever feel that you are short of money. Feel that you are very capable and rich. Feel that you already have whatever you've been dreaming of. Keep playing your successful movies in your daily life. Believe that everything you dream you already have. Rest assured that it is easy for you to realize all your dreams, desires and needs.

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