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Andre Wijaya
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Mahasiswa UNIKA Atma Jaya, Fakultas Ekonomi, Jurusan Akuntansi 2014.




"John Wick", Keanu Reeves' best movie since The Matrix yet?

3 November 2014   04:46 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   18:50 50
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Hello folks,

This movie has been released worldwide since early october 2014. This film was produced by The Summit Entertainment, which has released several box-offices such as Twillight Series, Step-Up Series, and The Dark Knight Trilogy, etc.

John Wick is starred by Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe, Ian McShane, and other famous celebrities. The movie starts with the dying wife of John Wick. When she died, she gave him a puppy named Daisy. The movie was actionless until John Wick lost his Puppy. When He found out that Daisy was killed by the Russian Mob, He seeked a revenge on those who killed his puppy.

In my opinion, this movie is the best movie that, Keanu Reeves ever starred yet since The Matrix. For you who have not watched John Wick, i recommend all of you to do so. John Wick is now available at cinemas in Indonesia.

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