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M Ammar Mahardika
M Ammar Mahardika Mohon Tunggu... Service Engineer PT ALTRAK 1978

Lahir di Jakarta 16 Agustus 1996, suka menulis. Akhir-akhir ini membuat prosa seperti puisi atau cerpen. Salam kenal! :)



Film Pilihan

Ranking "Love, Death & Robots", A Rejuvenating Anthology Series

23 Maret 2019   19:11 Diperbarui: 23 Maret 2019   19:17 260
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Unfortunately we couldn't decide Indonesia's alternate proclamation time since it only dished Hitler's. I thought I could decide future like Bandersnatch---more or less---but the versions ended up in "the first creature to land its feet to moon". The only thing that was fancy was it was packed in classy, artsy graphic; like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

13. Lucky 13---Rating: 8.4/10

Perceiving the antidote of 13 is a damned number is difficult. This episode depicted well on this number could actually bring you glimpse of hope. It was a support airship for the record. Even though she was a rookie, but Lieutenant Colby didn't hesitate. The story line was tense and the message could be adhered easily. (P. S.: I don't deliberately put the episode to number 13!)

12. The Dump---Rating: 8.4/10

When you first watched this episode, you would think of a story of a struggling government officer. But it was far, far away from your mind; Mr. Dave had this world. He was similar to our elder companion Carl of Up, only he was the "bad boy". His boredom survival in the paradox---still felt in the setting---was unbelievable. His resistance was what I thought the producers wanted us to watch; when you were mocked about your compassion, stand up as hell.

11. Sucker for Souls---Rating: 8.4/10

Who still wants to watch a bunch of archeologist guys running off a monster on which they disturbed its sleep? Yeah, for some people it's so 1999; but in this episode it is not. The monster was afraid of cats (why there are so many cats here?!)---it was hilarious. The rest of this episode's highlights were suspenseful scenes, gore details and stressing ending. A good way to sleep off tonight.

10. Helping Hand---Rating: 8.5/10

Sandra Bullock has come back to remake Gravity! No, I'm kidding. However, Anthem had tapered cheeks likewise Sandra was. The episode had memorable note, wrapped magnificently. It was all about sacrifice to do duties. The only reason this episode was ranked in the middle was it was set much identically with Gravity.

9. Blindspot---Rating: 8.6/10

The first first-digit rank of this list goes to Blindspot. It was simply because you redundantly saw a main role died in vain. Though they were all alive again---thanks to Bob's good preparation---it was an unpleasant encounter to Rookie. "If I died I wouldn't be resurrected then as I wasn't copied yet," he might think.

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