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Government Removes Honorer Manpower, This Teacher Expects Welfare

11 Juni 2022   12:08 Diperbarui: 11 Juni 2022   12:10 282
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This honorary teacher in Jakarta said he was happy when he heard the news of the government's plan to revoke honorary workers in 2023. He said this is because he feels there is an opportunity for honorary workers to get welfare through the Government Employee With Work Agreement (PPPK) or Government's Employees (PNS) program.

Muhammad Alfrian (22 years) said that for a long time, honorary teachers have been in an unprofitable position and cannot improve their quality due to limited provisions; through the Employee With Work Agreement (PPPK) or Government's Employees Program (PNS) launched by the government, there is hope to be on par with government employees.

When interviewed last Friday, Rian said, the welfare of these honorary education staff is not guaranteed. With exemplary quality, they have enthusiasm and dedication, but these honorary teachers feel lacking. In addition, the thing that underlies the difference between civil servants and honorary teachers is skill training and courses that are constantly received every year. In contrast, honorary teachers do not get a quota to upgrade their skills.

"Frequently, the entrance test is tough to become an honorary teacher. Because ability is not only measured by knowledge but also by dealing with students and other people," said the man who is familiarly called Rian (10/6).

But unfortunately, these teachers did not get paid effectively.

In fact, according to Kiai Ma'ruf Amin, broadcast live through the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's YouTube channel in 2021, Indonesia needed more education personnel due to the increasing number of students being taught every year.

"Perhaps this will also affect the number of unemployed in Indonesia, and the provisions for registration of the Government's Employees (PPPK/PNS) are not yet clear, so I still hope for additional policies. I hope the government is ready."

Rian does not want this new policy to eliminate many honorary teachers' dreams. He wants to continue to advocate for justice and prosperity. He asked the government to keep its promise to improve the quality of human resources, especially in education, because Rian believes education is the beginning of the progress of a country.

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