We cannot just explain people's reluctance to help through apathy or indifference. After all that is how mysterious human mind actually work. We cannot place the blame on people around us. Before we expect a change, we must start small; by changing our attitude and giving example. If the person who appears in the footage decided to help Wang Yue, maybe the little girl's life can be saved. If Grandma Chen had come earlier, if , if, if... But it's all too late now. The little girl had sacrificed herself as if trying to open our eyes on how important of helping people in need. Don't expect for incentives. When faced in situation like Wang Yue's don't wait and expect people to come forward.A simple and small gesture can help another person's life. Public must be educated on the importance of lending a hand and parents must instilled and internalized good moral values on children. Misfortunes like Wang Yue's story can be easily prevented if all the members of society are willing to work together and help each other. So are we all jerks? Maybe we are, but us and us alone can change that. Don't just give up on your morality. Be a Good Samaritan.
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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