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ALVINA MADANIA PRAHADI 2021 Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi UIN Jakarta

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10 Desember 2022   20:14 Diperbarui: 10 Desember 2022   20:27 148
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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

Dark and cold room with the ticking of the clock indicating it was 12 o'clock, very comfortable for sleeping, but there is a little girl that daydreaming so deeply, I don't know what she is thinking. The 10-year-old long haired girl in her nightgown and shorts was sitting on a study bench with piles of comics on the table, looking deeply at the comics.

"Sigh, I wish I were a fictional character" said that little girl, sounds crazy but she looks serious with her words.

The girl then got up from the study table, left the room and approached her beloved mother, she looked like she wanted to complain about her life. But when she saw that her mother was too busy with her cellphone, she discouraged her. The little girl knew, her mother had an illegitimate lover or cheating, what a painful thing for a girl her age.

"Shit, I want to die right now" the little girl was seen holding her chest because it felt very sore, then she took one of her favorite comics entitled "Hai, Miiko", because that comics really can heal wounds in her heart.

After she finished reading, the little girl was seen shedding tears, not crying but looking very sleepy. She got out of bed to put the comic on her worn-looking study table, then turned off the light and went back to bed. She looked dazed again until she finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Hour after hour, finally the sky looks bright and clear, the cock began to crow, the birds started chirping which made the little girl wake up, her face was quite somber on this sunny morning. The little girl got up from the bed to the bathroom to clean up before going to school. After she finished taking a shower, she put on her uniform then put on his shoes.

"Mom, I'm leaving" said the little girl, but her mom ignored her as usual and focused to her phone.

After the girl arrived at school, she saw a group of beautiful girls, the little girl seemed to ignore the group of girls and went to class and sat in her place as usual. However, when she was calm, a group of girls suddenly approached her.

"Hai there, Mara, the girl with a lot of lice on her hair" said one of them with giggling, the little girl that called Mara looks quite, and she ignored them.

"Oi Prick, why are you ignoring us? Are you crazy?" said one of them again, her name is Tikka. Mara still ignoring her until finally the teacher came to class, and the group of girls looked panicked and left the sight of Mara.


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