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Ilmu Sosbud

How To Improve Your Study Skill

5 November 2022   22:17 Diperbarui: 5 November 2022   22:41 129
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What do you think we should have skills for? Is it to get a profession? or to survive in our school life?. In the world of education, many students have difficulty in learning so it is difficult for them to get the skills they want to master. 

Coupled with the many pressures of assignments given by the teacher, we seem to feel that our learning will be more complicated so that it makes us think that without the skills and knowledge we will not be able to survive behind our school life. But behind it all, there are several ways to improve your study skill that you can easily do it anytime and anywhere. 

Search materials in internet.

There are many materials that you can learn for your study in internet. Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society (Kent Conrad,1948). The main advantage of having an Internet in education sector is that it can be the tool to search for information. 

Moreover, the information is more updated compared to books or the library. We can say that all information about education can be accessed through the Internet, such as learning subjects, curriculum, syllabus, test samples, and tips on how to finish some test. 

The Internet gave us access to everything, but it also gave everything access to us. (James Veitech, 1980). Moreover, Internet also help you to find reference on literature by a simple click based on your needs, and you will immediately get the information you need.

Make sentence with your own words.

If we make sentences from our own words then we will have many ideas and inspiration for us to develop. In addition, the way to increase the knowledge and ideas we have is by reading as many books as possible. because with books we can find interesting references for the sentences we want to make (Annie Proulx, 1935).

The more we read books, the more we will get explanations about things we don't know, and can increase the amount of vocabulary we can use in everyday life. This certainly can help us to be able to articulate, help express opinions in clear language, and can increase confidence when talking to other people. 

A book is basicly something that we can open again and again and again to get something that can feed our brain to create something new (Garrison Keiller, 1942). In addition, we can train the brain to focus more and concentrate on what we read. This will also train us to be more focused in making a good sentence.

Take some test

Testing is basically the practice of making objective judgments about the extent to which we can test our intelligence. In your opinion, what is the purpose of us doing a test?. Simply there are only two, namely to evaluate our intelligence and manage the risks we will face. 

Based on research data from Vanderbilt University, it was found that students who had passed the test could remember up to 60% of the material given by the teacher, while those who only studied could only remember 40% of the time (Cynthia J. Brame and Rachel Biel, 2015 ). 

As you can see, Testing causes students to learn more from the next episode of study. The point is to reduce forgetfulness which makes the next related field of study more productive. Testing also results in better knowledge organization by helping the brain organize material in groups to allow for better retrieval and can promote better transfer of knowledge to context.


Honestly, in my opinion, the most powerful way to improve or expand your study skills is with one object, and that object is the Internet. Internet is something that can help us increase knowledge and good ways of learning. if you want to find material and train yourself before taking the test, there is a site called google that can help you find the site you want (be it an informational site or a site where you can test your skills by answering their questions). 

There are also sites like youtube that can show you better practice videos or how to study every day). 

The point is that the internet already provides everything and its use is quite easy because it only requires a device as an intermediary. So in your opinion, is there any other way that can be done besides the methods above that you can do anytime and anywhere?

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