In early June 2022, Risa Saraswati, a prominent mystical world Youtuber in Indonesia, shared a poster of the film "IVANNA" on her Instagram page @Risa_Saraswati which will be released on July 14, 2022.
“IVANNA” is a horror film Presented by MD Pictures related to the previous film “The Danur Universe” which has captured the attention of millions Indonesian people starting in 2017 with the title “Danur: I Can See Ghost”. This Danur film series tells the mystical story experienced by Risa Saraswati and continues until the 2nd series "Danur: Maddah" in 2018 and the 3rd series, "Danur 3: Sunyaruri" in 2019.
The film "Ivanna" tells the story of a woman named Ambar who has limited vision but can see mystical things that other people cannot. The Ambar family is terrorized by a ghost named Ivanna who is described as having a blonde Dutch nationality.
It is said that Ivanna's ghost hates people who are happy and have a beautiful face. This is because Ivanna was a victim of injustice during the Dutch colonial transition to Japan. At that time, Ivanna's family, who were very kind to your native people were betrayed so that Ivanna had to die horribly.
The fans of the film series "The Danur Universe" are very enthusiastic to watch the IVANNA film which also comes from the mystical stories experienced by Risa Saraswati. this can be seen from the number of likes on the post which got 147,038 likes and thousands of positive comments from Netizen in Risa's Instagram post about "IVANNA".
"Watch directly on the first day." @Geraldytan
"Ah, can't wait." @Okieagustina
"Definitely watching" @lida_nabila23
and many other positive comments
"I can't wait to watch it (IVANNA) because the poster is so scary it makes me curious. Besides that, I am also a follower of journalrisa on Youtube, so I know a lot of stories about the Risa's friends in a different world. Moreover, many people know that Risa is friends with a non-native figure, so they are more curious about the storyline that will be shown with a different culture and a different point of view.” Said one enthusiastic fan in the release of the film "IVANNA"
Are you one of the "The Danur Universe" fans ? Watch it in your favorite theaters on July 14, 2022!
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