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Aliya Hamida
Aliya Hamida Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - International Relations Enthusiast

International Relations Student




The Golden Indonesia 2045: Reality or Mirage

25 Juni 2022   12:40 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2022   12:46 1294
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Bendera Indonesia pada Aksi Damai 212 (Sumber: Wikimedia commons)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Developed Countries (OECD), estimates that by 2045 Indonesia's economy will reach US$Rp 8.89 trillion and become the 4th largest economy in the world. This prediction is motivated by, in 2030-2040, Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus. Indonesia's population of productive age will reach 64 percent of the total population of around 297 million people. Indonesia will have potential including one of the largest markets in the world, quality human resources who are technologically skilled, innovative and productive; and the ability to transform its economy.

The demographic bonus is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is an advantage if Indonesia manages to capitalize on it. On the other hand, it will be a "disaster" if the quality of Indonesian people is not well prepared, for example the population is not qualified and productivity is low; and the unequal ratio of workers and employment opportunities.

This potential must be realized, among others, by increasing nationalism, the quality of human resources, building infrastructure, and transforming the economy. In addition, all components of the nation (Central Government, Regional Government, the business world, educational institutions and the community) must synergize and be committed to making Indonesia Advanced.

The State of Indonesia was officially established, on August 17, 1945 with the proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia by Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta. When establishing the State of Indonesia, the founding fathers had established the foundations of the Indonesian state, namely Pancasila, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (often called the 4 Pillars of Nationality). In realizing an Advanced Indonesia, all components of the nation must increase nationalism and hold fast to the 4 pillars of nationality and fight against ideas that are contrary to the foundation of the state.

Many countries in this world, which are left behind and even fall apart because of ignoring the agreed provisions and the fading of nationalism. Therefore, togetherness and nationalism must always be improved; and focus the energy of this nation to build Indonesia. "My struggle is easier because it expels the invaders, but your struggle will be more difficult because it is against your own people" (President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno)

One of the main drivers of the nation's progress is the quality of human resources. Therefore, since 2019, the main focus of the state budget has been human resource development. The development of Indonesian human resources should focus on character, skill-oriented education and mastery of technology.

The world of education in Indonesia must be able to produce human resources who have high nationalism and integrity. Graduates of education including higher education are expected to create jobs; connected with industry (link and match); and develop innovation and creativity by mastering technology. Non scholae sed vitae discimus (education must provide provisions to live life, not just produce a diploma).

One of the main factors for creating economic growth (Todaro and Smith) is infrastructure. Realizing this, since 2014, the Government of Indonesia has been aggressively building infrastructure. Infrastructure will encourage the productivity of production factors; facilitate the flow of goods/services and people; and open the isolation of the area. Infrastructure will create equitable development and increase the competitiveness of Indonesia's investment.

To create high economic growth, Indonesia must carry out an economic transformation that can increase productivity and high added value in various sectors. Economic transformation should be carried out, among others, by strengthening priority economic sectors, strengthening export-oriented manufacturing industries, utilizing information technology, increasing people's economic capacity and increasing creative industries. Domestic products must have added value and competitiveness so that they are competitive in both domestic and international markets. In addition, all components of the nation must develop a love for domestic products.

Policies towards Advanced Indonesia must be well planned. If the Indonesian people fail to plan well, it's the same as planning to fail. Therefore it takes a strong commitment to make good plans (unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes...but no plans, Peter Drucker)

In addition, policies that have been well planned must be implemented in a consistent, structured, systematic and massive manner. Whoever the leader of this nation is, must have a commitment to implement the Indonesia Forward 2045 policy, together with the entire Indonesian nation. There is no success without hard work, intelligence and togetherness. Thus, Indonesia Maju 2045 will become a reality, not a mirage, when it gets closer, its hope/beauty will disappear.

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