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Alief Ilham Akbar
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Big Dreamer, Sedang Belajar di UAE University



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Why Moslem pray five times in a day

8 April 2016   08:03 Diperbarui: 8 April 2016   08:19 50
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The five daily prayers are obligatory actions for all Moslem, it became compulsory by order of Allah when Prophet Muhammad performed Isra' and Mi'raj, although this ritual action was practiced by several of predecessors of The Prophet Muhammad such as Prophet Abraham, Yacob and Isaac but different in the terms of quantities. Moreover, if we see accurately from Buddhist people and Coptic Christian in Egypt they also do ruku' (deep bow from the waist during prayer ritual) and Sujud (bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor, a part of prayer ritual) in their worship. However, The difference is to who peopleare really worship.

So what are the wisdom of 5 times daily prayers?. To answer that, we should understand how to pray in a right way so we will discover the wisdom behind 5 times daily prayers for Muslim. There are several requirements to achieve effective 5 times dailyprayers:

 We should understand that the purposes of prayers is self improvement to human beings and betterment of thesociety and to be happy (Quran 28: without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction) Wow self improvement?, yes! Do you know? Prophet Muhammad said the first deed that will be asked by Allah is five daily prayers, if their prayers qualified so do all the total of his deeds. Let us think, This Hadist is absolutely true, effective prayers can lead a human to do good deeds if their prayers are right and vice versa. So why some or maybe many people do prayers everyday but they still do bad things and even not happy. The reason is they don't follow  right way of prayers such as:

Firstly, people do prayers just only to complete their obligation and it is wrong, we suppose pray to reach the parameter. Thus we must know the parameter of right prayers is  “Verily prayer forbids indecency and dishonour” (Quran 29 : 45). So if a human doprayers and they still always do bad deeds it means there are something wrong for their prayers. Just like fasting, its parameter is to be more healthy and better in self controlling.

Secondly, people see five daily prayers as only physical action, they don't know it is also soul sports that should be turned to good deeds and actions. Quran 107:So woe to those who pray, who are heedless of their prayer.  Those who make show and withhold [simple] assistance.

Thirdly, people don't use salat (prayers) as a way to gain solutions and inspirations: Seek help with the Salat(prayers) and fortitude: no doubt, Salat is a hard task but not for those obedient servants (Quran2:45), Although the most effective level of pray (asking God) is to do what is needed and then pray asking that to be happen.

Fourthly, people when they pray, they don't understand what they are saying and they don't assure the presence of God. Thus we suppose to understand what we are saying (inside our heart): (Quran4:43)Believers! Do not draw near to the Prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying. With knowing what we say we can gain new knowledge from the Holy Quran so we can be improved and become better person. As we know Before praying there is known as ablution that is to make us relax. It isproved by tool of brain recording that after a human performed ablution he/she became more relax by less vibration inside his brain.

Finally we became know the wisdom of five daily prayers that we do daily, Allah will not lose anything ifwe do not pray, And His most Merciful and Almighty set it as obligation to His believers for their own good. No writing with no imperfections, this is onlythe small wisdom that I discovered between its more greater wisdom, please let us know if you want to make this writing more better! I hope this writing will be useful for all.




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