In the SKK and TKK Saka Tourism Guide books published by Ministry of Culture and Tourism, there are at least 8 types of tourism: namely: 1) Nature tourism or ecotourism Nature tourism, 2) Pilgrimage tourism, 3) Cultural tourism, 4) Health tourism, 5) Agricultural tourism (Agrotourism), 6) Hunting tourism, 7) Tourism conventions, and 8) Educational tourism (educational tourism).Â
     Setigi tourism is included in the category of natural tourism, which is already mixed human hand. Because what was originally a limestone quarry, has now been changed to tourism in which there are many tourist icons setigi made by communities around tourist attractions. Like with lakes and waterfalls artificial, some limestone hills that have been dug into a pond and also a stage children's play area, then there is a mask carving on the limestone hill wall the. In addition, there is a very long ladder that can be connect us with the highest peak of the limestone hill, besides that we can see the whole from various angles of tourism setigi. Due to the former limestone quarry and the very hot weather of the city of Gresik, the tour manager has provided several gazebo buildings that are indeed facilitated for visitors to do not feel hot and feel at home in such a tourist spot.They are the managers not only concerned with the beauty of tourism as high as but the convenience of the visitors starting from the spread of toilets at all points which exists. Â
Participatory PlanningÂ
The concept of Participatory Planning is the process of planning and making decisions in development programs are often made from the top down (top-down planning). Community development program plans are usually made at the central level and implemented by local governments. People often included without being given the choice and opportunity to provide input and role. According to Rina Wijaya, the characteristics of participatory planning are 1) Focused on the interests of the community, 2) Participatory, 3) Dynamic, 4) Synergy, 5) Legality, 6) Feasibility.Â
This Setigi Tourism was built because a problem arose, a polemic of a problem which emerged during the 13 decades of leadership before Mr. Abdul Halim.The tour manager is one of the evidences and actors of history, because the manager previously served as chairman of the RT in 2000-2012. The source of the problem has been used as a garbage dump for years post-mining and it is a polemic for RT 05, because all waste from Sekapuk Village is disposed of in the post-mining area. When it rains The garbage will give off a bad smell, that's where the idea comes from to be used as a tour by Abdul Halim as the village head.Â
This is also done as a form of the village head's responsibility towards the village head the potential that exists in this Sekapuk Village. This development must have good leadership strong, if we depend on people's aspirations it will not be built. As The number of people in Sekapuk Village is almost 60 thousand, if we look for aspirations this it will not be implemented this work program. So we have to have a concept that we make, after that and it involves all elements of stakeholders in the village. For the concept itself is already owned by the village head. So the people follow what the village head already has, as a form of responsibility answer the community with what has been chosen in the current village head election that. Â
To make the plan a success, regular meetings are held conducted every month on the 1st attended by BUMDES members (Village-Owned Enterprises), PEMDES (Village Administration), other village institutions such as (RT & RW) and other community members. For the meeting itself carried out transparently to discuss financial budgets, evaluations,future planning. The planning and implementation of tourist attractions. involving all parties from various aspects of the existing society. Because the community feels that the development of this tourist spot is very beneficial for the community survival of the local community. For the concept of this setigi tour only following the concept of the village head but for the management of the tourism involving the whole community from various aspects of existing society ranging from RT/RW, BUMDES, and other village institutions.Â
Pushing and inhibiting factors
    Suryana describes three factors that cause success, including: 1)Ability and will. People with abilities but don't have willingness to be entrepreneurial, and vice versa. Both will experience difficulty to be successful. 2) Strong determination and hard work. People with strong determination but don't want to work hard, and people who want to work hard but lacks determination. Neither will work. 3) Opportunity and opportunity. An entrepreneur should recognize the opportunities that exist and trying to grab it when there is an opportunity is one of the factors that determine one's success.Â
       For the ability and willingness to run a tour this high the community and all village institutions are very enthusiastic because with the existence of This tourism can improve the economy of the surrounding community. Managers tourism is doing promotions and according to the opera, there is no other way than promotion in recognizing opportunities among tourist visitors. And for every employees are also required to promote the tour on social media.Village institutions in carrying out tourism as high as this have a way or technique themselves, apart from promotion, they also oblige the surrounding community to like on the setigi travel social media account, provide good service to tourists, providing comfort such as in terms of maintaining cleanliness which is in setigi tourism and other things.Â