[caption id="attachment_189896" align="alignnone" width="403" caption="Go Internasional Puisi Indonesia"][/caption] TELAH TERBIT: Batu Go Internasional Puisi diterbitkan Amazon.Com Amerika Serikat, "Along Rocky Path, Tokyo" (antologi tunggal puisi) Akaha Taufan Aminudin versi 2 bahasa Inggris Indonesia Product Details Paperback: 178 pages Published: July 14, 2012 Language: English ISBN-10: 1478238925 ISBN-13: 978-1478238928 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches Pricing: $12 Editorial Reviews Poems that have the power and the power of life are presented "Along Rocky Path, Tokyo", is the reasonable a long journey, twists and turns, collisions, falls and up. There are wounds to be healed through the motivation and the spirit of life must be nourished. Failures, the success of someone can be measured with any concept of his thinking. About the Author: Akaha Taufan Aminudin was born in Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, April 26, 1963. Join and learn poetry with the Slake Art Studio (A group of creative kids) Batu, that actively held poetry stage and poems dialogue (1982), joined the Archipelago Association of Author & Poet (HP3N) coordinates of Batu (1985). His works were in the form of articles, essays, poetry, and published in several newpaper. Akaha biography listed in the The Clever Book of Indonesia Literature that edited by Pamusuk Eneste, (published by Kompas Jakarta, May 2001). His biography is also in The Lexicon Literature of Indonesia that edited by Korrie Layun Rampan (Balai Pustaka Jakarta, 2000). His works were include in poetry anthologies published since 1991 until 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Along-Rocky-Tokyo-Taufan-Aminudin/dp/1478238925/ref=lh_ni_t
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