Mohon tunggu...
Ajeng AndityaPutri
Ajeng AndityaPutri Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Negeri Semarang

Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang memiliki semangat belajar tinggi dan berkomitmen untuk meraih prestasi akademik yang baik. Saya sangat antusias untuk mempelajari hal-hal baru dan memiliki minat khusus dalam bidang studi saya. Selain itu, saya juga aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi atau kegiatan sosial yang dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan kepemimpinan, kerja sama tim, dan kemampuan berkomunikasi saya. Saya selalu berusaha untuk mencapai tujuan saya dengan cara yang positif dan terus berupaya mengembangkan diri saya secara pribadi dan profesional. Saya percaya bahwa pendidikan adalah kunci keberhasilan dan akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih baik.



Ilmu Sosbud

Recount Text: Don't Give Your Mobile Number to Strangers!

22 Februari 2023   14:43 Diperbarui: 22 Februari 2023   14:47 241
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This happened last year when I was in my second semester. At that time I wanted to go to my friend's boarding house in Tembalang. I left my boarding house at 10 am by motorbike. Then, when I just got off a little bit, suddenly my motorcycle tire felt like it was flat and I thought it was leaking. There's a motorbike repair shop nearby, so I fix it there. Long story short, the weather was so hot that I decided to take off my mask and continued paying attention to my cell phone. Then the guy who was repairing my motorbike started to talk to me. I thought it was a normal conversation, and I responded to him as best as I could. 

However, after a while he started to annoy me by asking me some questions. The questions are kind of "Can I pick you up tonight?" and also "Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Then I gave a simple response to show him that I'm not comfortable. Then after he finished repairing my motorbike, he insisted on asking for my number. At that time I was very scared, but I couldn't run away. Finally but stupidly, I gave him my number. 

At night, I decided to stay at my friend's boarding house because I didn't dare to go home since the incident earlier. not even my fear to disappear, suddenly that guy sent me a message. He started to send me messages until he called me many times, ranging from voice calls to video calls. but I still ignored him. Until when I was very angry, I told him that I already had a husband, before I finally blocked him.

So guys, the moral that can be taken from my story is never give your phone number to strangers. Because we don't know whether she or he is a good or bad person. So, be careful.

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