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Ilmu Sosbud

Independent Campus Program at Home BUMN Yogyakarta

29 November 2022   16:42 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   16:41 85
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Rumah BUMN - Recently, Communication Studies Students at Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University have taken a credit conversion, namely the Independent Campus Program (MBKM) by taking courses at RUBY for the next 1 semester, with the hope that this will be useful for the future.

At the first meeting on Tuesday, 5 October 2022, RUBY informed that this program was attended by 20 Communication Studies Students at Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University and 10 Yogyakarta UMKM.  During the next 1 semester of activities, students are required to carry out MSME branding through the Digital Marketing program.

Before doing branding, students and UKM are divided into 10 groups in which there are 2 students and 1 UMKM, and activities will be carried out 2 times a week, namely on Tuesday and Friday at RUBY (Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta).

On the first day, we kissed all the existing UMKNs, and they were happy to socialize with students who would help them for the next semester.

The next activity will be on Tuesday 11 October 2022

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