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Facts in Conditionals

3 Agustus 2020   07:23 Diperbarui: 8 Juni 2021   15:18 6782
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When learning about if conditional, there are some facts. They are because conditionals mean not the real ones. But there are only for the second and the third types.

Baca juga: Factual Text

Second type

If conditional type 2 = this type is for present situation


“Right now If I were a teacher, I would give present for my students”

The sentence above is not the real thing that happens. The fact is :

“I am not a teacher, I don’t give present to students”

The fact is in present tense because the situation of if conditional type 2 is present situation    

Other examples

  • At this moment, if I met my teacher, I would ask him many questions.
    • Fact: I don’t meet my teacher. I don’t ask any questions
  • If he were my best friend, I would treat him
    • Fact: He is not my best friend. I dont treat him
  • If we studied at school, I would borrow you my laptop today
    • Fact: we don’t study at school. We study at home. I don’t borrow you laptop or I cannot borrow you my laptop.
  • If She were a student, I would sit next to her
    • Fact : ...
  • If they came today, I would bring them some cakes
    • Fact : ...

Baca juga: Factual Text 2

Third type

If conditional type 3 = this type is for past situation 


                “Last night, if I had slept well, I would have woken up earlier”

The sentence above is not the real thing that happens. The fact is :

                “Last night I didn’t sleep well, I woke up late”

The fact is in past tense because the situation of if conditional type 3 is past situation    

  • Yesterday, If she had been here, I would have told her about her score
    • Fact: Yesterday, she was not here. I didin’t tell her about her score
  • Last week, If I had gone to Bandung, I would have bought some clothes.
    • Fact: Last week, I didn’t go to Bandung. I didn’t buy some clothes
  • Last year If I had registered the course, I would have been in the class with you
    • Fact: Last year I didn’t register the course so I wasn’t with you in the class
  • Last month if I had paid the workers, they would not have cut the contract.
    • Fact: ...
  • This morning if I had eaten breakfast, I would have joined the exercise.
    • Fact: ...  

Baca juga: Passive In Factual Text

“Don’t say ‘If I did this, that would not be happened”, but say “This is Allah’s destiny, and whatever Allah decides it will certainly be happened’, because conditionals open the trick of the satan” (HR Muslim).  

Wallahu a’lam

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