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Australian Indonesian Relationship Vs Death Penalty Of 2 Drug Dealers ?

24 Februari 2015   01:11 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   10:38 84
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August 8, 2003: Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Friday stood by his decision to back the execution of Bali bomber Amrozi and said: "The law of Indonesia requires that he be executed, then I regard that as appropriate," Howard told Australian radio.

October 2, 2008: In response to the imminent execution of Amrozi, Mukhlas and Samudra, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has effectively junked Canberra's nominal opposition to the death penalty. "They deserve the justice that we delivered to them". The day after his outburst, cited above, the prime minister explained: "I went on to say that they deserve the justice that they will get, by which I mean, consistent with the Indonesian judicial system. How that pans out in the end is a matter for the Indonesians."

Now, Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, says that Indonesia owes it to Australia not to execute the Bali Nine pair on death row. The prime minister strengthened his public calls for clemency for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran with a warning on Wednesday that Australia would “feel grievously let down” and would “make our displeasure known” if Indonesia proceeded with the executions. “Let’s not forget that a few years ago when Indonesia was struck by the Indian Ocean tsunami Australia sent a billion dollars worth of assistance, we sent a significant contingent of our armed forces to help in Indonesia with humanitarian relief and Australians lost their lives in that campaign to help Indonesia. I would say to the Indonesian people and the Indonesian government: we in Australia are always there to help you and we hope that you might reciprocate in this way at this time.”

All John Howard, Kevin Rudd, and Tony Abbott are Australian Prime Minister.

Dear Mister Prime Minister, are you saying that a death penalty for Indonesian who kill many Australian deserve the justice and a death penalty for Australian who also kill many Indonesian every day as an organized drug dealer is against justice ? Schapelle Corby case who was not sentrnce to death because brought in 4.2 Kg Marijuana to Bali in 2004 was a not a good precedent. She was just lucky to be sentenced 20 years in prison and later got reduction and finaly got her conditional release from the prison. It might be seen as good from humanitarian perspective. However what it means for other drug dealers ? "Lets bring much more drug into Bali or Indonesia". It was what excactly this 2 Bali Nine syndicate did and this time they bring 8.5 Kg HEROIN (which is a lot stronger than Marijuana) to be distributed in Indonesia. We have learn from our experience and committed a war against drug in this country. Law enforcement is one way of doing it right and legally.

Mr Abbott, linking the Australian assistance for Indian Ocean tsunami with this 2 drug dealers is NOT worth. It even cause more anger among Indonesian people. If then the execution of the death penalty for the two drug dealers is expedited, I believe you are also accountable for. We better respect each country law and value. It is worth to jeoperdize Australian and Indonesian relationship for 2 drug dealers who are killing many Indonesian by their activities in Indonesia and has been sentenced by a final and binding court decision in Indonesia ?

Let's be rational and do each effort within the line.

Source: John Howard, Kevin Rudd, and Tony Abbot.

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