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Agung Webe
Agung Webe Mohon Tunggu... wellness coach di Highland Wellness Resort

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Penumpang Masuk ke Kokpit Pesawat Selama Terbang, Apakah Salah?

25 Mei 2017   05:37 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2017   18:36 60602
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

(a) No person may admit any person to the flight deck of an aircraft unless the person being admitted is:

(1) A crewmember;

(2) An FAAair carrier inspector, a DOD commercial air carrier evaluator, or an authorized representative of the National Transportation Safety Board, who is performing official duties;

(3) Any person who:

(i) Has permission of the pilot in command, an appropriate management official of the part 119 certificate holder, and the Administrator; and

(ii) Is an employee of -

(A) The United States, or

(B) A part 119 certificate holder and whose duties are such that admission to the flightdeck is necessary or advantageous for safe operation; or

(C) An aeronautical enterprise certificated by the Administrator and whose duties are such that admission to the flightdeck is necessary or advantageous for safe operation.

(4) Any person who has the permission of the pilot in command, an appropriate management official of the part 119 certificate holder and the Administrator. Paragraph (a)(2) of this section does not limit the emergency authority of the pilot in command to exclude any person from the flightdeck in the interests of safety.

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