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Agrindo Zandro
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Seorang Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana, Malang.




Menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris

14 Oktober 2021   07:05 Diperbarui: 14 Oktober 2021   07:07 184
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Contoh II:

Batu, Wednesday, April 28 2021

A Better Day

Today I feel better. From morning until this night everything I am walking, it is  better than yesterday. I can do whatever I want and have to do in the line of community’s routine, and they go well.

Although, last morning my friends and I were reprimended by Father Joko for we have made most of fishes died. I guess, this matter has to be there in my day. And the feeling from the matter become useful for my life, especially my future.

I never regret a day of my life, because; “a good day gives happiness, a bad day gives experience, the worst day gives lesson, and the best day gives memory”. Through this awareness, I believe that my life will go well till the end, and it woo good too. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are the time to be better. In depth I hope everyone’s will become true by his everyday life.

Ag. Z.

Itulah dua contoh penulisan catatan harian dengan bahasa Inggris. Kedua tulisan di atas sangat sederhana dan menurut Penulis, setiap pembaca akan menulis sesuatu yang lebih dari apa yang tertera di atas. Semoga dua tulisan ini menjadi pemantik bagi semua orang yang mau belajar bahasa Inggris.  

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