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Ilmu Sosbud

Literary Criticism of the Little Women "2019" Movie Directed by Greta Gerwigg

16 Januari 2023   15:21 Diperbarui: 16 Januari 2023   16:13 525
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In this scene (12:08) the colors are softer and the tones warmer. That's because in this scene the film is telling about the past. So, being given soft colors and warmer tones can create an old or antique feel.

In this scene (1:56:29) it is given a bright strong color and a cooler tone. That's because in this scene the film is telling about the present. So, giving strong bright colors and cooler tones can create a contemporary feel that is modern in terms of appearance.

From the film "Little Woman" the audience can take moral messages including to always share and help with anyone, love and encourage one another with siblings, believe and have faith in dreams, as women we can make our choices in life.


Arranged by:
Agista Putri A/A320190154
Safira Nurul I/A320190159
Hilmy Ananda M R/ A320190175

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