The 2022 G20 Summit in Indonesia is an opportunity to show Indonesia's leadership on the international stage, especially in global economic recovery. From a regional perspective, this Presidency emphasizes Indonesia's leadership in the field of international diplomacy and the economy in the region, considering that Indonesia is the only country in ASEAN that is a member of the G20.
The economy is the key to the world economy in the future. Because, through the digital economy, it can open opportunities for elements of society to enter the global supply chain in the future.
So with that, it can be seen that in the past two years the digital economy sector contributed as much as 15.5 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). This means that the chances of increasing the use of the digital economy in the following years can increase significantly. "The digital economy is the key to the future of the world economy."
There are three focuses on digital transformation issues that are brought up in every meeting related to digital transformation. Namely, first, equality of digital access as many as 2.9 billion people in the world are not yet connected to the internet.
Among them, 73 percent of the population of less developed countries do not yet have adequate digital infrastructure. Then, as many as 390 million people live in areas without the internet.
Then must immediately do for repairs. The G20 must be able to mobilize investment to build affordable digital infrastructure for all.
Second, is digital literacy which is an obligation for every individual to participate. Thus, the use of digital space can be more dominated by productive activities that generate profits.
That way, the results of the series of G20 meetings can drive cooperation in the context of strengthening digital capacity for many countries in need.
Digital literacy is not just an option but a necessity, digital literacy must reach all.
Third, a safe digital environment. So, the G20 countries must be able to build digital trust. Through good global digital governance by working together in the future.
In order to ensure that digital benefits can be felt equally in all countries, including developing countries. So, internet users in each can feel safe when surfing in the digital space.