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3 Things We Must Be Grateful For in Life

4 September 2024   18:12 Diperbarui: 4 September 2024   18:20 44
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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

The main idea of paragraph 

1. What it's gratitude? 

2. Grateful to have a long life 

3. Grateful to have a complete family 

4. Grateful to able to go to college 

5. Benefits of gratitude 

Gratitude is an attitude or feeling of sincere gratitude to God for all the good things that have been received, whether in the form of achievements, luck, opportunities, or simple things in everyday life. Gratitude can also be interpreted as an attitude of appreciating and feeling satisfied with what has been obtained, both in terms of material things, health and social relationships. 

Being grateful for the long life given to us can be a motivation to fill our lives with good deeds and good deeds. The age given by God to humans is a mandate that must be maintained properly. The value of human life is not determined by its length or shortness, but by the quality of the deeds done during its lifetime.

Not everyone has a complete family. Family can be in our worst and best times. Family can make me laugh and smile. Family is the number one unconditional love that everyone has. Be it the unconditional love of a close family member or a close friend, everyone has that one person they turn to in times of need.

Be grateful because we can still be given the opportunity to get the highest possible education. By studying, your knowledge will develop far above those who have not been able to study. By studying, we can be better prepared to face the highly competitive era of globalization with your competencies recognized nationally and even internationally. If you just play around while studying, you certainly won't get the maximum benefits from studying. Especially if you decide to give up halfway.

An attitude of sincere gratitude is when someone is able to appreciate what they currently have, both in material and non-material form. By appreciating what one has, a person will feel richer and happier with their situation. Thus, gratitude is very important and has many advantages for both religious and social-psychological life

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