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Adryan B. P.
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Graphic designer dan CEO Berpengalaman dalam branding identity melalui mascot dan Illustrasi. Lulusan DKV ITENAS tahun 2008-2013. Dan seorang ayah yang selalu memberikan usaha terbaik untuk keluarga.



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What You Wished That You Would Do More Before 20

13 Maret 2016   18:58 Diperbarui: 13 Maret 2016   19:34 46
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[caption caption=""I'm awesome" illustrated by"][/caption]Surely, everyone have regrets. I don't have that many, but there's always those things that you wished that you could have done better in the past. Do you ever feel like "Damn, if I joined the soccer team I could have been spending my time with pride and glory!" or like " Man, I know I could do that dance contest in my highschool and nailed it, but I was such a wuss!" yeah like that. But there actually some small decision in your life that can actually lead to a great success in your adult life. Well, for those who already past 20 just like me, you can start right now. It's ever too late to do something great in our life.And here, I share some things that would definitely change your life, if you can start doing them as early as possible.  

1. Networking, make more friends and connections

This is one of the most important thing that I really really regret not doing in my teens. I was the lone wolf, the Rambo, the Sasuke. I thought that I can do everything by myself. I'm the king of the world, but I forget that even the king has allies and vassal to count on. I made only a little friends and acquaintances.

Now let's see why this is important. If you already in the adulthood with responsibility right now, you should know that having someone to count on is really going to make a lot of things easier. Friends in the health industry helps you get a cheaper way for your medication. An old acquaintances that works as a lawyer turned out to be a lot of help when you need some advice about your copyright issue. And that all talk Joe is actually the one who introduce your business to everyone and is now making most of your clients. 

It's great to have friends, especially those that you know will be able to come up with some great projects with you. And when you're in business, as an entrepreneur or just starting up a small coffee shop at the corner of the town, your friends are the people who will know what you do in the early days. If you're a graphic designer like me, your client's will be someone else within different industries, your friends. 

There is nothing more important in someone's success than with whom he's making friends with and with whom he spends most of his time. So, make sure before you hit your twenties you make a lot of connections with people especially with those who looks likely will succeed in the future. And for those who are late to realize this, then join community, go to a hobbies club that's where people with value will gather. Make some friends with more people, you never know what awesome stuff that's going to happen. 

2. Learn more stuff. Cool, useful and awesome stuff.

You better learn more things while you can because when you enter adulthood you probably go to work and have less time for anything else. Highschool is really one of the greatest time of your life, your parents paying for your everything. You go to school where time is abundant to do many things with almost anyone you want. And that's why, it's smart to share some of your time to spend it learning useful thing for you.

I really regret that I spend most of my time playing video games. Of course playing video games has it perks and benefits but if I can just regulate more of my time learning something awesome I would have more advantage in my adulthood. It's great if you can learn how to cook, trust me it makes a great difference towards your whole day if you start it with delicious breakfast. And if you know how to fight--like Muay Thai or Krav Maga-- it would be something cool to be able to defend yourself a bit. And if you learn how to sell and do business at an early age, you will really have huge advantage above others. 

When else is the time for you to learn some cool party tricks or magical illusion as a social bridge to get close to people. Speech technique to charm the audience. And the ability to control your tone so you could be the karaoke king everytime the office squad having a singing contest. It looks small but it make a great difference. You might already know that people always appreciate someone with character. So, make yourself attractive by being able to do something. Start learning something awesome right now.

3. Do a lot of things to find your niche

The biggest problem that the undergraduate university student have is when they realize that the program they choose is not meant for them. It's a catastrophic event, because, well, congrats! You just wasted your time in the wrong path. And also your parent's money. 

If you ask why most people are mediocre, that is because they're not meant to be where they are right now. You, the salaryman who works for the financing company could have been one of the richest baseball athlete if you just pick the right career at the right time. And you, the manager of chain restaurant in the middle of the block of New York could actually become the next Leonardo or Jim Carey, even your mother can't tell when you're acting or being honest. 

Some of the people never know what really works for them because they are too busy doing things like everyone else. Extra time that they have to try a lot of other things wasted for useless activity and in the end they never know what they really good at. Now while you still have your time, please help yourself and do as much as possible so that you will find the "THIS IS IT!" 


Old paradigm says that you should spend your youth studying, get good grades, so you will get a safe, stable job. But in fact stability is something that life really, really lack of. Well, I think we should enjoy our time learning. Spend most of our time knowing a lot of people, learn awesome magic tricks and discover our true calling. What could be more fun than get paid from something that we would love doing? 

Alright! I hope we learn something from this discussion. By the time I write this article I'm 25 to 26 years old. There are a lot of things that I wish I do in the past. But please do not linger in the past. Focus on the present and do what you can do today. 

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