Mohon tunggu...
Adji Krisbandono
Adji Krisbandono Mohon Tunggu... -

Ayah dari seorang putri yang cantik, saat ini tengah melanjutkan studi di negara kincir angin. Bercita-cita ingin mewujudkan kota di Indonesia yang layak huni ditinjau dari berbagai sisi.



Vox Pop Pilihan

Sustaining Urbanization

16 Februari 2016   09:17 Diperbarui: 16 Februari 2016   15:30 92
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And last, managing mobility; it is quite desperate knowing some people living at the outskirt of Jakarta spend hours travelling to their office at the city center every day. Slow progress on the construction of MRT, ugly Metro Mini/Kopaja buses, and reckless Angkot drivers have been the main reasons why people prefer using their cars/motorcycles. As a result, thousands of cars and motorcycles should slowly drive due to heavy traffic all over the city.

I guess by speeding up MRT construction works, limiting private vehicles on the streets, procuring more buses/commuting trains (including proper parking area) to take people from Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi to Jakarta as soon as possible and at the most affordable cost would be helpful to reduce Jakarta’s congested streets.

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