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Adeva Vinisi Sarivajeng
Adeva Vinisi Sarivajeng Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa semester 2 program studi S1 Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Airlangga.

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The Part of Public Administration, A Look on Racial Discrimination

8 Juni 2022   11:13 Diperbarui: 8 Juni 2022   11:21 162
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This article is an attempt to take a look in the seemingly continue problem in the public services system, Racial discrimination. Discrimination often starts with assumption (Kamang et al., 2021). Assumption can happen from the lack of familiarity. The African-American in the US and the Chinese-Indonesian in Special Region Yogyakarta are two groups (amongst many) that become the victim. 

A study conducted by Corrado Giulietti found that emails signed by distinctively African American names to the public services (school district, local libraries, sheriff offices and more) are less likely to get a reply than identical emails that signed by distinctively white (people from European descend) names. 

In Special Region Yogyakarta exists local law, Surat Instruksi Wakil Kepala Daerah (Wagub) DIY No K.898/i/A/1975 Tentang Penyeragaman Policy Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Kepada Seorang WNI Non-Pribumi openly discriminates non-natives residents by stated that every land purchased by them will directly own by the government. 

Those racial and ethnic based discrimination still happening even when other law such as Universal Declarations of Human Rights, and Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis have been officially use. 

Public services, where the problems lies

Public service is defined as "giving services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been established" (Mursyidah & Choiriyah, 2015). 

It made up of healthcare, transportation, education et cetera, more often than not it is made available by the government. Sadly, as for now in 2022 there are still many public services that didn't serve its community properly based on their race. 

As shameful as it is, the fact that there are people treated less simply because of their skin color, something that they cannot control, is a problem that need to be solved way long ago. Racial discrimination brings many disadvantages for the targeted community.

Everyone that is part of the community deserves equal services, regardless of their racial identity and/or how they look. Although there are laws in response to this problem that already exist both internationally and here in Indonesia, the vile practice doesn't seem to go away. In Indonesia the law that supposed to solved racial discrimination is Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis.

 Local public service providers like school districts and libraries have a major role in this regard; thus, discrimination in access to these services represents an important obstacle to addressing racial inequality (Giulietti et al., 2017). If the racial inequality continues then it is possible that more problems will exist and affects the whole community such as the economy, education, and overall living conditions.

Method and Findings

Information regarding racial discrimination needs to be find, both international and local (Indonesia). The process started with searching the journal articles as reference. The search uses a few main keywords: race, discrimination, and public services. After finding the articles needed, they're being selected to find two main references for the review. 

The two main reference, Racial discrimination in local public services: A field experiment in the United States (2017) and Kajian Tindak Pidana Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis Ditinjau Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis (2021) then being analyze using KWL and reading log methods. Findings from the two as follow:

A study conducted by Corrado Giulietti from University of Southampton and his team shows that emails signed by distinctively African American names to the public services (school district, local libraries, sheriff offices and more) are less likely to get a reply than identical emails that signed by distinctively white (people from European descend) names (Giulietti et al., 2017). As a result of such discrimination the community have disadvantaged position. The discriminations affect their educational achievement, economic status, health and overall living conditions. This resulted in racial disparity.

As for the racial discrimination on public services that can be found in Indonesia, is one of Special Region of Yogyakarta local law. Somad (2018) rightfully call it the "discrimination letter". Surat Instruksi Wakil Kepala Daerah (Wagub) DIY No K.898/i/A/1975 Tentang Penyeragaman Policy Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Kepada Seorang WNI Non-Pribumi openly discriminates non-natives residents by stated that every land purchased by them will directly own by the government. The practice is the opposite of the Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis's purposes- to stop racial and ethnic based discrimination.

Historical event as a factor

Discrimination often starts with assumption (Kamang et al., 2021). Assumption can happen from the lack of familiarity about the "other side", from here emerged generalization. History plays a big part on how the future is shaping up to what it is now, and racial stereotypes are one of its ugly products. We will be focused on examples that cause racial discrimination to the African American community in the US and the Chinese-Indonesian in Indonesia (specifically in Special Region Yogyakarta) because of stereotypes and assumptions.

In the US, slavery played big part on racial discrimination targeted to the African American community. Slavery resulted not only in lost incomes and, as a consequence, lost inheritances, but it also resulted in lost opportunities to accumulate capital, lost freedom, as well as pain and suffering that, if compensated at the time, would have had major wealth implications for African American descendants of the enslaved living today (Craemer et al., 2020). All the disadvantages resulting in assumptions of the community, often non-African American individuals/groups assume that a person from the community are poor and academically inferior.

As for the discrimination Chinese-Indonesian in Special Region Yogyakarta faces, it almost comes from a 180 backstory. The "discrimination letter" that is Surat Instruksi Wakil Kepala Daerah (Wagub) DIY No K.898/i/A/1975 Tentang Penyeragaman Policy Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Kepada Seorang WNI Non-Pribumi is a product of assumptions that the Chinese-Indonesian is a villain in the colonial era. Puspa et al (2020) argued that the hate towards the Chinese-Indonesian is a man-made social construct by the Dutch. The Dutch used them as a business partner and seemingly gave them special treatment to portray them as the bad guy too therefore can't be trusted by the natives.

Living inconveniently: trials and errors

The side effects of getting less out of the standard are definitely unpleasant. The disadvantage comes in all sizes, it can be socio-economic, education, as a matter it affects overall living conditions. Seen as the-less-worthy of service means that the community is not going to be a priority. 

Professor David R. Williams argue on an interview published by CBS NEWS (2021), that in the US African-American are treated with less respect and receive poorer services. His study found that the higher discrimination rate can negatively affect health conditions. It predicts high blood pressure. It predicts the onset of diabetes. It predicts the incidence of cardiovascular disease. It predicts poorer mental health.

When it comes to the Chinese-Indonesian community in Special Region Yogyakarta not having the right to own land means that no matter how much money they pay, the government can always take the land. It limits their economic growth. The prejudice that is heavily supported by the public services- the government, can initiate conflicts. The already disadvantaged community can only hope that the survives.

Does the man in power not know about all of those? They know. The government cannot be not aware of the topic. They created several official laws to put an end to racial discrimination. Internationally there are laws such as Universal Declarations of Human Rights, and in Indonesia we have Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis. The two laws are few of the attempts to solve racial discrimination that sadly even after they exist still continues to happen. The "failed attempts" indicates how the lack of humanity can affect a whole system that led to community suffering in their lives.

What we have now

Racial discrimination is a major problem in itself. Having it on the public services system means the targeted community has it even worse. The African-American community in the US faces generational discrimination post-slavery that continues the prejudice amongst citizens outside of the community. Whilst having different backstories, the Chinese-Indonesian community living in Special Region Yogyakarta continues to not have the right to own land. Discrimination by official public service providers restricts them from growing, therefore falling behind.

The official law made to end racial discrimination and solved racial disparity has been proven to be ineffective. Targeted communities need more than just a law written. A combination of various aspects such as public policy, effectiveness of law enforcement, harmonization of governance, and natural resource management policies is needed (Adrian et al., 2021).


Adrian, D. M., Wantu, F. M., & Tome, A. H. (2021). Diskriminasi Rasial Dan Etnis Dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional. Jurnal Legalitas, 14(1), 1--17.

CBS NEWS. (2021). Racism's corrosive impact on the health of Black Americans.

Craemer, T., Smith, T., Harrison, B., Logan, T., Bellamy, W., & Darity, W. (2020). Wealth Implications of Slavery and Racial Discrimination for African American Descendants of the Enslaved. Review of Black Political Economy, 47(3), 218--254.

Giulietti, C., Tonin, M., & Vlassopoulos, M. (2017). Racial discrimination in local public services: A field experiment in the United States. Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(1), 1--40.

Kamang, A. E., Sepang, M., & Pinasang, B. (2021). Kajian Tindak Pidana Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis Ditinjau Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras Dan Etnis. Lex Crimen, 10(5), 47--56.

Mursyidah, L., & Choiriyah, I. U. (2015). Buku Ajar Manajemen Pelayanan Publik(I. Rodiyah (ed.)). UMSIDA Press.

Puspa, F. F. D., Sari, F. S. P., Lathifah, F. A., Nadimjethro, J., Nugroho, A. W., & Nurcholis, A. (2020). Politics of Race: Diskriminasi Rasial Etnis Tionghoa dalam Kebijakan Pertanahan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal PolGov, 2(2), 447--489.

Somad, A. (2018). Selembar Surat Sakti Untuk Mendiskriminasi.

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