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Ade Hanafidin
Ade Hanafidin Mohon Tunggu... International Relations Scholar

i am a sustainable development enthusiast, nearly 5 years of experiences on the field of international relations.




Israel is a state symbolized of hatred and hypocrisy

6 Januari 2025   20:52 Diperbarui: 7 Januari 2025   10:51 92
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More than a year of Israel's bombardment just revealed who they are, where international law and international humanitarian law proposed to have peace and prosperity are just a type of tint upront the paper. Today seem killing live of gazans does not satisfied them to end this a cursed war in fact Israel shut down most of international relief for palestinian in Gaza and destroying civilians irreplaceable building in particular the hospitals where Palestinians victims are being taken care which has nothing in hand to help Hamas that known as the justification of Israel invasion. Gaza(3/1) 

"The health sector is being systematically dismantled." said Dr. Peeperkorn, World Health Organization.

The Countries that are the parties of the war won't bother civilian's  crucial building during the war as they are not intended and meant to involve in the military objectives. this rule is written into Geneva convention 1949 on article 18 "Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm, and maternity cases may in no circumtances be the object of attack but shall at all times be respected and protected by the parties to the conflict." Ironically, despite an endless indiscriminate attack against palestinians in Gaza, Israel has ratified the convention in 1951 which means the law has officially been recognized and it's been legally binded Israel in accordance international humanitarian law.

The Special Procedures of Human Rights Council contained with independent experts in the council stated "as we have repeatedly reminded Israel, international humanitarian law comprises a set of universal and binding rules to protect civilian objects and persons who are not, or are no longer, directly participating in hostilities and limits permissible means and methods or warfare, Rather than abide by theses rules, Israel has openly defied international law time and again, inflicting maximum suffering on civilians in the occupied Palestinian territory and beyond."

Invasion that intend to occupy Palestinian territory and creating a destructive battle ground in the civilians assets during the war is a violation to international law. The Israel attack seamlessly would have been stopped within uncertain time, their unlawfull act will be enough evidence for global citizens assume the opposite to whatever the Israeli actors who use their hand in killing innoncent people in Palestine when they are speaking of morality.


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