Four. Sulam Taufiq at the seventy-fourth
5. Mawahubus Shomad one hundred fifty-three (Kama Fatawi Subki I/203 - two hundred and seven)
6. Mughnil Muhtaj IV/373 - the three hundred and seventy fourth
(End of Zein 370)
And acceptance of bribery is haram is what made the judge to rule without right, or to refrain from ruling the right and given also that it is helping in sin But if a bribe to judge the right is permissible but is forbidden for a judge taking on the government never any either give the house of money or not, the judge may take payment for provision because it distracts people from doing the right
Kindergarten students c: 11:00: 144
Branch We have stated that bribery is haram absolute gift prize in some are asked the difference between Hakiqtehma with that the donor be satisfied where the difference of the two faces, one said I'm CJ that bribery is the condition on the offset provision without right, or to refrain from death sentence and the gift is the gift of absolute and second Ghazali said in the Rehabilitation money either made for the purpose of futures is an act of worship, charity, either for urgent is either money is a gift, provided the reward or expected reward and either work it was an act forbidden or obligatory CSIR is a bribe although it is permissible Vijarp or royalty or to reach out and make friends to the effort for him, there was once himself Fahadip The Bjaha was pleading to the purposes and objectives of the science was merit is a gift, descent, although the judiciary and the work is a bribe
(Please Comrade Y: 100)
(F) which (taking a bribe) and Obhak (and given) Bbatal, and two Sayvehma Alrashyoualemrcyqal between the Almighty - and Atokloa your property among yourselves falsely, and you make the Alygam - verse. Scholars said: It is not intended for eating particular, but what was meant by most of the money summed up and want to cast in verse speed Bal_khasosp Vyalomwal, The Messenger of Allah Saliallah Maria Alrashyoualemrcywalraic - that said - it gave the judge Oouhakma bribe or gave him a gift van was to judge in his Bbatal or to reach out to obtain money due or to harm Muslim debauchery briber and the Mahdi Baliatta and corrupt and the Mahdi same frame and Alraic seeking, and have not located the rule of him after that, or to judge him right or to pay for injustice or to gain what he deserved debauchery taking only did not sin given to having to find the right any way was
b. Bagaimana Hukum Hasil Gaji Pegawai Negeri yang pada saat ia Penerimaan Memberikan Sejumlah Uang (Menyogok)?
Jawab : Hasil Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Kalau dia Memang Bekerja Sesuai Dengan yang Ditentukan dan Bisa Melaksanakan Memang dia, maka Hukumnya Boleh dan halal, Namun dia Apabila (PNS) Bekerja Tidak Sesuai Tugasnya, maka Gaji yang Tidak Boleh Diterimanya Hukumnya / haram. Jadi tentang hukum suap dan gaji tidak terkait (berdiri sendiri).