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Pancasilaism Philosophy To Create Jobs For Citezens Of The World Cosmopolitan

19 November 2021   11:19 Diperbarui: 19 November 2021   11:25 191
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Pancasilaism Philosophy To Create Jobs For Citizens Of The World Cosmopolitan. Foto : Abdurrofi Document

The Pancasilaism philosophy of general development gives Indonesians the ability to support arguments in favor of global citizens and technology in order to reach a balanced point of interaction.

The Pancasilaism philosophy did not find the same collocation in the study of job creation as a homogeneous and heterogeneous study group was still appropriate and there was no reason to create a new project.

It is remarkable that the number of human resources continues to grow in recent times so that the Pancasilaism philosophy unites from outside but not from within.

The Pancasilaism philosophyof living in a 'storm and stress' phase has difficulty in overcoming the next stage of growth of the Indonesian Nation towards 'halcyon and calm'.

Real operationalization embodies the Pancasila philosophy with the aim of creating work to assess what works and what must be changed and why sharia capitalism and non-Sharia capitalism coexist.

The Pancasilaism philosophy opens the space for halal-based products and services for Muslims. The legal system has ideal elements, operational elements, and actual elements but does not close the space for non-halal products and services for non-Muslims.

The position of job creation in the Pancasilaism philosophy as the basis of a strong state, and used as a paradigm for the Indonesian nation to create halal tourism and non-halal tourism in Indonesia.

Job creation can be connoted as a program of Pancasila philosophy as one of its tools and therefore must also be sourced from it for the citizens of the world.

The Indonesian market is so wide that the concept of job creation can be used by other countries in analyzing the correlation between economic levels, unemployment and environmental sustainability.

The Pancasilaism philosophy is unique among engineering subjects because it has raised very basic questions about the nature of computing, perception, reasoning, learning, language, action, interaction, consciousness, humankind, and life, etc.

Therefore, there is a substantial tradition of work, both on artificial intelligence by the philosophers of Pancasilaisme and the theory within AI itself, in favor of creating new and innovative work.

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