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Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam
Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam Mohon Tunggu... Intelektual Muda, Cendikiawan Pandai, dan Berbudaya Asia Afrika
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Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam and The Rise of Asia Africa Union Based on Dasasila Bandung

14 Februari 2021   02:14 Diperbarui: 14 Februari 2021   02:56 334
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He upholds the principle of his ancestors that is moderate and tolerant of Islam, pro Javanese culture as a legacy culture and nature from the Wali songo.

Wali Songo are respected Islamic figures in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java, because of their historical role in the spread of Islam in Indonesia in a moderate, tolerant and happy manner of the value of peace.

According to Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam, people from Asia and Africa should be introduced to democracy to become increasingly popular democracy to build the sovereignty of Asian-African unity.

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam identified the experience of introducing democracy in Asia and Africa as key to his influence, although he later spent more time giving speeches and writing books and articles to forge unity with the global peacement approach according to the United Nations charter and walisongo value of tolerant, peace and moderate.

The Charter of the United Nations is a solid footing according to Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam in carrying out democracy in the sovereignty of the unity of Asian and African countries in monitoring defense, security and building an economic ecosystem based on inclusiveness, justice and equality, which provides support for democratic progress in these two continents.

Widely referred to as Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam as the very academic, global-minded yet local-cultured, Father of Asian-African Democracy in Indonesia as a tribute to his place of origin with tolerance, simplicity, earthy and populism.

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam's life does not support the war against the United State of America and the European Union but he will seek common ground to run the cooperation of the United Asian-African  and prevent clash of civilizations which is very meaningful for world peace.

His ongoing hostility in the Asia-Africa region has initiated a legal institution based on the judiciary or the Asian-African court in adjudicating cases in conflicting countries without bothering western countries so that justice can be received in realizing a Justice and guaranteed Asia Africa victorious, triumphant and a global maritime business central.

Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam assured Indonesia would become a knot of unity of the countries in Asia Africa based on modern democracy and denied the myth of communism that could unite Asia Africa.

It is more helpful because it has developed into democratization from the western tip of Africa (gambia country) to the eastern tip of Asia (Japan) on the east of maritime democracy.

A strategic idea from Abdurrofi Abdullah Azzam which was realized to ensure connectivity between countries on the continents of Asia and Africa for the development of the shipping and fisheries industry, improvement of marine transportation, and focus on maritime infrastructure in the conception of building an United of Asia-Africa.

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