Expression Congratulation adalah tindakan mengucapkan selamat yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atas prestasi atau kebahagiaan yang diraih (misalnya prestasi sekolah, menang suatu lomba) atau juga selamat untuk hari khusus (hari ulang tahun, pindah rumah, hari kelulusan).
Beberapa penggunaan congratulations adalah ...
1. Congratulations on --> diikuti peristiwa yg membahagiakan
Contoh. Congratulations on your wedding, Salsa.
2. Congratulations for --> diikuti pencapaian / prestasi
Contoh. Congratulations for being the winner of story telling competition in local area.
        Congratulations for the new position, Mr. Reza.
3. Congratulations to --> diikuti nama orangnya
Contoh. Congratulatios to you, you deserve it.
         Congratulations to uncle Randy. You promoted to be a new manager.
Untuk ucapan selamat kita juga bisa menggunakan kata "happy".
Contoh. Happy birthday, Siti.
Happy anniversary to my parents.
Happy New Year.
Tentu saja kalau kita sudah mendapat ucapan selamat maka kita lebih baik memberikan respon dengan mengucapkan kalimat seperti. Thank you every body, thanks a lot, thank you very much to saying so.
Contoh dialog.
Sarlin : Ganni, I got a scholarship.
Ganni : Congratulations, Sarlin. You deserve it. Your parents must be proud of you.
Sarlin : Yes, thanks. I will help them a lot.Â
Untuk lebih memahami materi congratulation, cobalah latihan di bawah ini.
Exercises :
Task A. Make a conversation based the situation given.
1. Situation : Ranti tells Fani that she will get a scholarship from the government to continue her school in London. Fani congratulates her and hope for the best.
Ranti : ......
Fani  : ....
2. Situation : Fais has collected all the requirements to run the Student Committee chairman. Alif is happy for him and hopes that Fais will be the next chairman.
Fais : ......
Alif  : ......
Task B. Choose the best alternative.
1. Â Rani : .......
   Fira  : Thanks for supporting me,  Rani
A. Congratulation. You become a champion.
B. Congratulation for your support.
C. I hope I will be the champion.
D. Your competition result is not great.
2. Dibah : I heard you become the leader of this class.
  Mala  : Yeah. That's true.
  Dibah :   Wow. It's marvelous. Congratulation!
  Mala  :   ......Â
A. You are kidding. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â .
B. Thanks so much. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
C. I hope so
D. No need
Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang materi congratulation. Sering berlatih dalam mengucapkan bahasa Inggris membuat terbiasa dalam berbicara. Semoga bermanfaat. (AN)
Sumber : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2018. Bahasa Inggris, Think Globally Act Locally Kelas 9. Jakarta : Kemdikbud, hal. 1-4.
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