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A simple man searching for a light of a candle in absolute darkness.




An Imaginary Encounter with Mariana, a Famous Figure

24 Juni 2024   12:56 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2024   13:12 117
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 "Of course. Money is power. With money I can get anything I want. Anything." She smirked.

"Wow amazing. They get money and you get respect in return." I scoffed.

She grinned "That's how things work, Dinn. If you don't have money, then no one would respect you. No one would even bother to look at you."

"So they'll leave you and not respect you when they don't receive anything from you."

She shook her head. "that's where you're wrong, Dinn. They will never leave me. They will stay until the end."

"awesome. I salute your confidence that you enjoy living that way."

She stood proudly. "Of course I do. Why won't I? I am enjoying every single day of my life. I get everything I want."

"Good for you." I found it uninteresting to continue the conversation. I didn't like her arrogance.

She sneered. "Aren't you going to ask me something else? Come on ask me another question"

"I think I have asked enough." I wasn't in the mood to ask more.

"Come on, Dinn. I know you're curious about something. Just ask me." She scoffed.

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