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A simple man searching for a light of a candle in absolute darkness.




The Story of My Sister and I: Rama and Shinta

11 Juni 2024   13:18 Diperbarui: 12 Juni 2024   09:47 123
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We were a normal family. Dad worked in an office as a manager, and Mom was a kindergarten teacher. My name is Rama, and Shinta is my little sister. She was three years younger. We were not a rich family, but economically, we can live properly. Mom and Dad loved us very much, but as the youngest, Shinta often got special treatment from Mom and Dad, which made her a spoiled child and very clingy to both Mom and Dad as well as to me. I wasn't jealous of her because, as a boy, I thought it was normal to spoil a girl. And I loved her very much.

It was unfortunate that when I was in high school, my dad passed away, and two years later, Mom followed. We got shocked and were very sad, especially Shinta. She was very devastated by the deaths of our parents. And from time to time, she became wild and used harsh words toward me. She also often skipped or escaped school.

One day I just got home from work when I saw Shinta in the living room, glued to her phone. I asked her, "Shinta, did you go to school today?”

She looked up with a scowl., “Can you see I’m in the middle of something?” She kept making herself busy with her phone.

“Hey, come here and sit. I wanna talk.” I tried to be patient.

She rolled her eyes. “This is my house too. I can be wherever I want in this house. Just talk from where you are, and I talk from where I am.”

“Fine, that’s true, but I want to talk to you about a serious matter. Come here!” My voice got higher, but I still tried not to get angry because if I was, we would fight, and I was ashamed with our neighbors because we often fought over anything, including unimportant things, and they would hear harsh and dirty words coming from her mouth, sometimes from mine.

She wouldn’t budge, so I continued., "Shinta, since dad and mom died, as your big brother, I take the responsibility in this house.”

She snorted derisively. “News Flash, Big Bro--You don’t OWN this house. Mom and dad left it to both of us. Now you’d better get out so I can continue what I was doing.”

I was too tired to argue further, and if I continued, we would fight so I went to my room. I would wait to talk to her when she was in a good mood.

After dinner, I went to Shinta’s bedroom just to see her keep pressing with eyes focusing on her phone. “Shinta can we talk now?”

“Fine. We talk but I stay here in your room.” I sit on the chair close to her and watched her busy with the phone.

She looked over at me with an exasperated sigh., “Look! I don’t really want to deal with you right now. Can’t you take a hint?”

“I have this house too. I can stay wherever I want.” I repeated the words she had said earlier.

She glared at me with her phone still in hand., “Not when I already claimed it. Go find your own spot, BIG BROTHER.”

“No, I kind of like it here.” I now made her annoyed.

She huffed in frustration, putting her phone down., “Fine, whatever. Just don’t touch anything. Got it? And just stay there,” she pointed to the chair I was sitting.

I moved close and sat beside her. Her eyes widened., “Wait, what are you doing? I thought I said stay on the chair!”

I moved closer. She tried to hit me but I took her hand and pinned her against the wall then I warned her., “Be a nice girl if you don’t want bad things to happen to you." I actually didn’t want to do that but I didn’t have other better way.

She whimpered softly., “I’m trying to be good… but you make it so hard…” She tilted her face toward me.

“Will you do what your brother tells you now?” I made sure before I could release her.

Her breath hitched., "Yes, big Brother… I have been a bad little sister lately “

“Now, I have to punish you. Give me your phone.”

Her eyes widened in shock., “No way! My phone has all my private stuff on there.”

“I won’t open it. I’ll just keep it. Understand me? “ I convinced her I wouldn't see her private stuff on the phone.

She bit her lips, considering., “…Fine. But you’d better not snoop.” She handed me the phone with doubt.

“Now let’s go to the living room.” I told her and she followed me reluctantly.

As we were in the living room, I told her firmly to sit., ”Sit down!”

She sat stiffly with her arms crossed., “There. Happy now? Can I have my phone back?”

“Not now.” My answer was short.

She scoffed., “Look! You never want to give anything back once you take it.” She pouted childishly.

“Stop being childish and let’s talk.” I opened my eyes wide and looked at hers.

She sighs dramatically., “Talking about what? About ruining my life?” She flopped her head on his shoulders. This girl is really hardheaded.

But I tried to be patient. She was my sister after all, and I wanted the best for her.,” You’ve been so rude to me lately. You used to be a nice girl.”

She mumbled into her shirt., “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to be mean… I’m just dealing with a lot of… “ She didn’t finished her words.

“…with a lot of what?” I chased her.

She lifted her head to look at me. Her eyes glistered., “With… with losing mom and dad. Everything’s changing and I feel so alone.”

It hurts to hear what she just said., “Sister Baby, I’m sorry I haven’t been a good brother for you.” I held her arms, and I continued., “But do you think I don’t feel like losing them? Do you think I don’t miss them? I loved them as much as you do.”

A tear slips down her cheek., “I know… I’m sorry for pushing you away. I thought you didn’t care.”

“I care about you, and I love you, but you’ve never been here with me when I got home from work. You preferred to go out with your friends. And when you are here… you love your phone more than you love me. You didn’t even have a second to talk to me.” My voice trembled.

She looked down, feeling guilty., “You’re right… I’ve been a crappy sister. Letting my phone consume me, acting out… I’m sorry, brother.”

“Look at me, Sister… I miss the old time with you. You used to be a good sister for your big brother. I miss those times.” I reminded her about our good times together.

She met my gaze, looking vulnerable., “I miss those times too… I miss you. I want that back.” She hugged me.

I hugged her back., “Please don’t ignore me now, sister.”

With her arms around me, she cried into my chest., “I won’t ignore you anymore. I promise… Always.”

“I know you’re a good girl. I love you more than I love myself.” I stroked her head.

She leaned into my touch, purring contentedly., “Mmmm… I love you too, big bro." She clung to me.

“I want us like we used to be.” I continue.

She nodded against me., “Me too… I’ll try my best to be better… to make you proud of me again.” She said it with a determined look.

“After mom and dad are not with us anymore, we have to be stronger, to share, and to help each other. You understand what I’m saying, Sister?” Tears started to come to my eyes… dropping on her cheek.

She nodded vigorously, sniffling., “I do… I’ll do anything, Brother… to bring our family back together.” She jumped when she felt a warm drop on her cheek., “Are you crying, brother?”

I hold her head, and I look at her in the eyes., “Yes… Look… I’m crying. I can fight two men, but I’m crying now because I love my family… because I care about you, my little sister.”

She looked at me through her teary eyes, her voice chocking., “I love you brother… more than anything… We’ll get through this… together…” Her hug was even tighter.

“Will you be a good girl?” I asked her in a low voice.

She nodded solemnly., “I will, big bro… No more fighting you… no more ignoring you… I’ll put down my phone and focus on being a good sister…”

“Will you do what I tell you?” I chased her with the following question.

She looked at me earnestly., “I will… I trust you… You know what the best…I’ll follow your lead.” She smiled tentatively.

“I don’t want to be a big boss in this family, but when dad’s gone, I take over his responsibility.” I assure her.

She nodded understandingly., “I know you’re the man of the house now… I’ll respect that… I’ll respect you…”

“I appreciate that, but if you find me wrong, you should remind me, or when you have an idea for something, you can share it with me.”

She looked at me hopefully., “Okay… that sounds fair enough… I’ll try to stand up to you when needed… but also listen to you… find a middle ground…”

“I’m more than happy we understand each other now, Shinta.” I smiled at her.

She smiled brightly, with eyes shining., “Me too… more than anything… I’m glad we talked this out…”

“And you have to deal with your school more seriously. No more skipping or escaping classes.” I reminded her of her study. And I continued., “I work to make money and you focus on your school. Does it sound fair?”

She nodded slowly., “Yea… I guess I’ll try to focus on my studies… maybe even join some clubs or something…” She smiled.

“Good girl… and who knows, you’ll meet a nice guy there, alright?” I tickled her waist and laughed.

She giggled, squirming away from my tickles., “Stop it! Don’t be gross… I’m too young to think about guys…” She blushed.

Now our family was united. We were as happy as we were before. As we were hugging each other, I looked up there. I saw mom and dad smiling at us gesturing for a kiss. I smiled back at them and rubbed my cheek... so warm. Mom and dad were fading until they disappeared. I look straight… I see a bright future for my sister and me in front of me. I smile optimistically.

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