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Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang angkatan 2022 prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



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Nila Tanzil: From Corporation to Literacy Rainbow

20 September 2024   17:20 Diperbarui: 20 September 2024   17:28 65
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There are a lot of people that contributes to our prosperity. One of those people is Nila Tanzil. She was born at Jakarta, April 29th, 1976. Nila Tanzil is a founder of Pelangi Book or Taman Digital Pelangi. She got her master at Amsterdam University, and her bachelor of International relation at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan where she was nominated as the best graduate of the year. She really likes travelling around the world. According to her blog, she already visited 34 countries in this world.

She used to work at corporation since 2009. Now, she doesn't work at corporation and more focused at social entrepreneur. One of her organization is Taman Digital Pelangi. Beside that, Nila also make a social enterprise in travelling. Travel Sparks, a travel social enterprise that carries the spirit of "Travel With A Cause", traveled while volunteering at Taman Bacaan Pelangi. For her, For me, what makes a trip memorable are the conversations that happen when we interact with the locals.

You may be wondering, what is Taman Digital Pelangi that Nila made? Taman Bacaan Pelangi is a non-profit organization that builds children's libraries and promotes literacy in remote areas of eastern Indonesia. Established in 2009 by Nila, it now has 82 libraries across 15 islands, providing over 105,300 children's books to some of the most remote villages in the country. The organization focuses on the eastern part of Indonesia, which is less developed and lacks the necessary infrastructure to provide access to international standard books. Illiteracy rates in some areas of eastern Indonesia are high, with over 55% of 15-year-olds unable to understand what they read. To ensure the sustainability of Taman Bacaan Pelangi, Nila established Travel Sparks in 2015, a social enterprise that helps travelers "Travel with Purpose." In 2016, Nila published "Lembar-Lembar Pelangi," a non-fiction book chronicling her decision to quit her corporate career and pursue her dream of building libraries and promoting literacy in remote areas of Indonesia.

Nila achieved many achievements in her life, some sources say that Nila has seven achievements which indicate how smart she is. These are seven achievements that she achieved:

*Next Generation Kartini

*Ernst & Young's 10 Best Entrepreneurs of 2016

*10 Inspirational Women of 2015 by Forbes Indonesia

*Inspirational Women in ICT for Community Development from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

*Nugra Jasadharma Pustaloka 2013 from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia

*Indonesian Inspirational Youth and Women 2012 from Indosat

*10 Iconic Women of Indonesia

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