Jam 10:33 Wib,saya mendapatkan telp dari Bea cukai bandara jakarta,dengan nomor +6285691731628 pemilik nomor bernama Diah. Mbak Diah memberitahukan bahwa saya mendapatkan kiriman dari Afganistan,melalui diploma yang bernama Mr. Tommy Williams. Saya tanya sama Mbak Diah isi kirim tersebut berupa apa isinya.?! Mbak Diah menjawab tidak bisa dicek isinya,karena barang tersebut dikirim melalui Diploma Mr.Tommy Williams. Saya hanya diwajibkan untuk membuat documenya saja dengan biaya $ 15000 dolar. Mbak Diah menegaskan bahwa secepatnya saya mengurus dokument tersebut,agar bisa secepatnya kiriman akan dikirim ke Kota Palembang. Dengan tegas saya menolak. Lha wong saya dapat paket kok saya harus bayar lagi,enak saja. Dan juga yang ngirim paket tersebut saya tidak kenal,ngapain lagi saya harus ngurusnya. Kalau emang paket itu buat saya silakan antar langsung ke Kota saya,tanpa harus membayar ataupun mengurus hal-hal yang buat saya ribet. Michael D. Schultz dan Raymond M Schultz ini dua orang yang sama. Michael D. Schultz akun facebook yang satu ini sudah ditutupnya,sekarang yang aktif Raymond M Schultz. Entah ada berapa akun facebook yang di buatnya,untuk menipu wanita di dunia maya. WASPADA.!!! WASPADALAH.!!! Conversation started today
- 01:57 Raymond M Schultz Hello my love, Good Evening honey? Today has marked a new beginning in my life, because I have opened for you a secret I have kept since I did this because I have chosen to love you for the rest of my life, I believe that I was in good hands, my belief that you question will never be punished. Dear wife, let me explain the documents I have attached to you here, 1) The first attachment is a consignment box set up, Hope is $ 2,000,000.00 Two million united states dollars forward for delivery to you in your country by diplomatic agents. 2) Name of the diplomatic agent is Mr. Tommy Williams, a diplomatic agent has moved today Saturday, May 18, 2013 and he will be arriving in your country on Monday, May 20, 2013. 3) Is the air-waybill, issued for delivery to your box, where you can see how much I've spent to make deliveries across to you. exist in your address and other information that is required for delivery. Unfortunately, from my discussions with the diplomatic agent, he has assured me give safe for your consignment box, however, he said it would cost the airport authority tax in Indonesia, but he did not know how much that would be, so I beg you, if-if there is a small fee to be paid to bring the box of the airport authority, baby please do it for us, remember to always keep it secret and confidential. I love, I think from now on, there should be no reason for us to have any doubt in ourselves because we are limited along with the love, the love I have for you will always be forever baby. I am very busy with my job and work hard here, so I rarely come online honey. I will wait to hear from you immediately you receive this message. Love you with all my heart.
[caption id="attachment_244416" align="alignnone" width="384" caption="Raymond M Schultz"]

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