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Gaya Hidup

Back to Here

26 Maret 2019   14:53 Diperbarui: 26 Maret 2019   18:07 7
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Gaya Hidup. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Rawpixel

Learning is one thing that interested me. I can let my mind free to think anything. A graduate student has that chance. Think, think and think.

Now I'm not a student again. I have gotten my award letter and I should back to my affiliation in Yogyakarta.

First job, teaching. I can feel current students are very different from students in five years ago. A Mobile phone is my enemy in my class but it is also help me. I should have observant eyes everytime I ask student to use their mobile phone to help their learning.

In the first meeting I always ask  student to turn on flight mode on their mobile phone and turn off wi-fi. It prevent them to open social media. But offenders are everywhere. I saw a student show her phone to her friends and laugh when I explaining the subject in front of class.

"Give it your phone. Next lecture, you should put your phone on my desk!"

I know all my students are adults but I have give rule in the first meeting so they should obey the rule. What if you are me?

I have not been here for five years and I am a newbie. Everything changes. Good Luck for me.

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