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Ilmu Sosbud

Common Problem That Child Face When Learning a Foreign Language

6 Juni 2023   01:45 Diperbarui: 6 Juni 2023   01:52 131
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Children are natural language learners. Their brains are able to absorb information much faster. They also have a natural motivation so they can learn a language or anything else without realizing it. Children also have the ability to imitate what they see and hear. Children will not think that learning a foreign language is very difficult unless it is taught by adults who may learn English through books or other media at an older age.  

There are several stages that a child goes through when learning a language. When a baby learns a language, there is a 'silent period' where a child just listens and communicates using body language or facial expressions before they actually speak it. As children get older, learning English depends on how much they listen and see what their parents teach them, they will start imitating single words like "car", "house", and other single words they learn. imitate the correct pronunciation and then memorize the words without them realizing that what they are saying is a word, a phrase, even a sentence. 

This stage continues as they catch more words and use them in conversation before they make sentences of their own. Gradually children will build phrases consisting of one word they know by heart plus the vocabulary they know.

There is common problem that children face when learning a foreign languange:

  • Common problem

Spoken vs written


A child's difficulty learning a foreign language is due to difficulty distinguishing between spoken and written forms, such as English and French.  This is one of the most common problems every child faces when learning a foreign language. Some languages, such as English and French, have different spoken and written languages. It can be difficult for children to distinguish between spoken and written words in these languages. Because children can hear these languages quickly and at the same time they are tedious to write. You may also find it difficult to write in these languages. 

  • Solution

this problem can be solved by training children how to speak the foreign language. then train children to write the foreign language. if a child has not been able to write well then we give time for them to be able to write properly.

  • Common problem

Lack interest in foreign language


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