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Zulfadhli Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa

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Meet and Leave

16 Desember 2022   23:54 Diperbarui: 17 Desember 2022   00:21 193
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  In the end time of high school, every student has prepared everything they need to continue their journey. Its only have 2 choices, find a job or apply to a university.  Just like a girl that just graduate from Madrasah Aliyah (MA) named Aisyah, she already got one choice, go to university. Aisyah was graduate from one of the greatest MA in Sumatera, even she was honored for a greatest student there. That's why there's no doubt she got an invitation to go to the one of the best Islamic university in Java.

Everything has 2 choices, bad and good. The good thing is Aisyah don't need to pass any test just go to Java and go study. And the bad one is she doesn't have any family member there. It means  that she have to more independent than normal one. If she get sick, se have to take care her own self and maybe without anyone can help. When she get a problem, as if she get sick she have to solve her problem by herself.

A day before she go to airport, Aisyah get everything she need. Meet her best friends which all of them are girl. Yes Aisyah didn't have too much male friend,  she knows she is a religious person that's why she don't want to get closer to any male friends. It's 4 o'clock, 3 girls are chatting in a caf

"Tomorrow is the time, we're gonna miss you Aisyah" the girl with square glasses talked with low voice.

"Why'd you have to go so that far? " The tall girl is asking.

"C'mon girls it's not that bad, even that far we are still connected. We can get a video call anytime, right?" Aisyah replied.

"That's right, but, you will come home in every semester's holyday right? " the glasses girl asked again

"So that we can get a reunion" tall girl shouted.

"I hope so, because I don't think that I can get friends like you guys" Aisyah replied

"Aisyah, I hope you can take care of yourself there. You know, maybe here would be so different there, the culture, the people, the environment, and so on" Tall girl said.

"Don't worry, I got it. I wont let anything distract me, especially my Islamic life. Its everything for me. You too guys, keep yourself from distract of Dunya" Aisyah replied.

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