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Banda Aceh as an Investment Center

27 Maret 2019   00:12 Diperbarui: 27 Maret 2019   16:05 50
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Aceh is the only province in Indonesia that has islamic Sharia law. Aceh is located on the island of Sumatra. Aceh is also dubbed the name of Veranda of Mecca. Than about Aceh there is a city that is bandq Aceh it has very tasty culinary, customs and culture, beside that it is also a shopping center.

Every year before ied Mubarak, the most of people spend their money at Banda Aceh, because there is many store & departement store can we find in Banda Aceh, such as pasar Aceh, Suzuya mall, etc. Because besides the price ia cheap, Banda Aceh ia a city that follows the trend of various types of clothing.

The Banda Aceh City Government simplified investment permits so that investors glanced at the capital city of Aceh Province as a place to invest. This is done to reduce poverty and open employment opportunities for city residents.

Then there is the exemption or relief policy on the import of capital goods, machinery or equipment for production purposes that cannot yet be produced domestically

For investors who want to invest, there are six sectors that can be looked at in Banda Aceh. Among them are in the trade sector, services and communications, industry, infrastructure, energy, tourism and marine fisheries.

 So it is not surprising that in addition to domestic investors, many foreign investors also want to invest in Banda Aceh because of its strategic location.

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