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Nur Wahyuni Salya
Nur Wahyuni Salya Mohon Tunggu...

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Travel Story Pilihan

Lumiere, Vintage and Urban Indeed

29 Mei 2016   15:21 Diperbarui: 29 Mei 2016   15:48 77
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

As usual, I got excited when it comes to Friday. The last day to get away from routine, exactly for anyone who get off to work from Monday to Friday. Everyone love Friday, aren’t you? On Friday, I decided where to go for the next two days in Saturday and Sunday. The places where I spend the days should be good for taking photos, fun, enjoyable and cheap. So, where will I going this weekend?

I live in Bandung, the city with a good view; green enough, cold enough though sometimes hot enough . Many places to go throughout Bandung. You can come up with city view from above, yet green and fresh. Or you just going through department store or fashion store if you have much money to buy . But for me, art gallery becoming the most favorite places to visit.

Last Saturday I visited Lumiere Gallery and Cafe which places on Jl. Purnawarman. This place was about 200 metres from Gramedia Merdeka. For the first time, my impression was, is it the place where we’ll going on? Then I skipped and go through in a road because the place is quite enough. But, I came back again and entered in. So, this was the front look..

The 70’s green car just parked in front of this place. Hmmm….fascinating for anyone who loves retro and classic. Don’t forget to take your photo, here!

When you go through the gallery, you’ll find white space. Yes, this gallery is almost white with some paintings on the wall. The interesting thing about this place is the paintings will be different and will be change weekly or monthly.



Interesting place to spend this weekend, right?

And, the important thing you don’t need to search another place to eat lunch. This place has a quite  good cafe for you to have lunch or something you want to eat. The ambience was warm and cozy with brown theme.


So, have you decided where’d to go this weekend?

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