A staff at GJIS*, Bintaro Sector 9, Tangerang.
*GJIS stands for Global Jaya International School.
For more information about the school, please visit www.globaljaya.com
Seorang pendidik, peneliti, pengajar dan sekaligus ibu dari tiga anak. Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Program Studi S3 Ilmu Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Staf Pengajar FKM Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI), Makassar. Diluar kampus, tercatat sebagai Pengurus Nahdatul Ulama, Persatuan Pewarta Warga Indonesia (PPWI) Sul-Sel dan pendiri Center for Policy Analysis (CEPSIS) Makassar.
The Official Page of Dewa Klasik Alexander. \r\n\r\nSocial Activist, Entrepreneur, Creative Thinker, Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant.\r\n\r\nPray, Plan and Play the best. \r\n\r\nLive by miracle, favor and grace of Jesus Christ. \r\n\r\nLiving to know Jesus Christ, dying to make Him known.\r\n\r\nMy main projects : Innovate nothing to be something, develop nobody to be somebody! \r\n\r\nCP: bumidinasti@gmail.com
GJIS is situated in Bintaro Jaya sektor 9, we provide international education with a high standard. We implement all IBO programmes starting from PYP, MYP and IB Diploma. We are accredited by DIKNAS and also by WASC. For more information please visit our website: www.globaljaya.com