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Yudhi Sanjaya
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saya seorang Freelancer untuk konsultan Akuntansi dan seorang online trader plus seorang Accountant di salah satu perusahaan Australia. Myblog:




Freelance Accountant Existing

19 Desember 2011   23:13 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   22:02 83
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Freelance Accountant Existing

Accountant nowdays must have multitasking in their role. Their customer wants Accountant noways not just have Accounting skill but they have to have IT (information technology) Skill to make their jobs faster, effisien and effective. So right know IT it'snot monopolized by person who studies specific in IT but everyone try to learn about it. Talk about Accountant in nowdays, it's more crtical baecause their role is very important to serve the business information where it contains about the summary of the business and also progress of business as a tools for financial decision making.

Now days in Freelance Accountant as a carrier has begun to improve. Many micro business and middle business who don't have much money can have an Accountant by hiring them as Freelance worker, so it can decrease company expenses. As profesional Accountant we can reach our client by making some advertisemnt on internet or printing media as of our marketing communication to reach our client. Internet Marketing can be a good tooling to make our servis known by public. Now as an Accountant we need to know about this if you want to make your servis Firm getting biger and bigger, because in this century accountant role is very important for the business, business can't be run without financial information.

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