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Yuanda Putri Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa S1 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Malang

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Students of UM Enliven Balanced Nutrition Guidelines Through the Fill My Plate Movement for Elementary School Students

10 Oktober 2022   14:00 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2022   16:21 159
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Malang (27/09/2022)- Children from preschool age to elementary school age are at risk of experiencing nutritional problems related to diet and growth and development. So that many experience malnutrition or stunting. Malnutrition or overnutrition that occurs in children can interfere with the process of growth and development. The age of children is the age where they do a lot of activities, one example is playing outside the house.

This causes children to have unhealthy habits, such as overeating that is not in accordance with the nutritional levels that should be met; not washing hands before and after eating; consumption of foods high in fat, sugar, and salt; lack of consumption of fruits, vegetables, and water; lack of physical activity; and so forth.

In addition, children also eat foods that are not kept clean, such as snacking, eating without washing their hands first, and so on. Poor diet will affect the nutritional state of children. Therefore, nutritional interventions should be carried out such as starting to introduce what is balanced nutrition and what is the importance of maintaining balanced nutrition.

Based on this, MBKM MD UM KKN students educate school children about the importance of balanced nutrition with the Fill My Plate Movement. This activity took place on September 22, 2022 at SD Negeri 1 Rejosari, Bantur District, Malang Regency, East Java.


This activity is carried out directly by using educational methods, quiz games, and distributing Balanced Nutrition posters. The purpose of this program is that elementary school children are able to understand the importance of balanced nutrition guidelines so that they have the motivation to maintain a nutritious diet in their daily life and motivate elementary school children to fulfill any nutritional needs that must be met at every meal.

This balanced nutrition education was carried out through power point media, at the end of which a quiz was held regarding balanced nutrition of the Fill My Plate movement. To invite the Fill My Plate movement to SD Negeri 1 Rejosari, our KKN team distributed posters related to Balanced Nutrition and the Fill My Plate Movement. The contents of my plate itself is one of the guidelines for a balanced nutrition menu to meet a person's nutritional intake.

The Fill My Plate Movement aims to fulfill the nutrition of elementary school children in Rejosari Village as well as to guide the intake that must be consumed at every meal. In the concept of My Plate, there are 4 components that must be met, namely staple foods, fruits, side dishes, and vegetables. 

The implementation of this work program went smoothly and received a very positive response, as evidenced by the good enthusiasm of the teachers at SDN 1 Rejosari and the enthusiasm of the children in listening to Balanced Nutrition Education. In addition, through the quiz method, the children are more enthusiastic in learning to understand the importance of balanced nutrition based on the contents of my plate guidelines.

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