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Youth IGF Indonesia
Youth IGF Indonesia Mohon Tunggu... Multi-stakeholder Forum

The Youth IGF Indonesia is a recognised youth initiative, described by the UN-IGF. Apart of Youth IGF Movement since 2011 | Current Ambassador: Ms. Agita Pasaribu |




Future AI Mobile App to Tackle Cyberbullying Issues at The UN IGF and WHO Global Meeting 2019

6 April 2020   14:06 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   14:11 55
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik, the future AI mobile app has a vision to inspire people to be #BeDigitallyKind through by providing personalized support for victims of bullying and cyber bullying.

Berlin, DE (April 03, 2020) -- The Internet Governance Forum is a multi-stakeholder governance group for policy dialogue on various issues of internet governance recognized by the United Nations. It held an annual meeting in Berlin, Germany from November 25 to 29, 2019. The theme for this meeting was "One World, One Vision". This symbolizes and stands for the sovereignty and inclusivity that UN IGF would like to promote in bringing people together as one and creating safer ways of using the internet.

Among the other participants of this meeting were the members of UN IGF and its initiatives. As the Ambassador of the Youth IGF Indonesia, Agita Pasaribu delivered the activities done by the organization initiated by TaC, Together Against Cybercrime International for younger generation. 

Being a movement that operates as a multi-stakeholder platform allowing young Indonesians to discuss and take lead in issues related to internet governance in the format of local to global discussions, Youth IGF Indonesia established a future mobile app project named Agita mentioned in the conference that the application is in line with the vision of UN IGF. As the founder of, Agita was also invited to the WHO Global Meeting at Muscat, Oman meeting. She used this opportunity to present, as a future mobile application based on AI technology to help the victims of bullying and cyberbullying emotionally and legally.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations was also present at the conference for his speech. During his speech, he stated that the UN IGF is the medium for multi-stakeholder to discuss emerging issues, explore different possibilities when it comes working on digital inclusion and security, mainly technology to create an international framework that is human centric. He also adds the despite the limitless and ever-growing technology advancements, human beings still remain to be the only species that are capable of using its wisdom in the right way.

About uses artificial intelligence (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), blockchain, and gamification to enable early detection of mental health issues and provides secure and tailor-made solutions for each and every user. It aims to provide on-demand access to behavioral mental health and legal support, chat/call/video counselling and self-guided content that's clinically proven to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety for bullying and cyberbullying victims.

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