ncreased levels of carbon in the air has been blamed as the main cause of rising temperature of the earth's surface. Ironically, this country is considered a role as one of the suppliers. With a title as the country's fastest rate of forest destruction, Indonesia is not only considered to be responsible for the shrinking capacity of the lungs of the world, but also accused of allowing the forest fire activities as being converted into plantations. In the eyes of environmental activists, this is a double sin. The data reported by FAO, Global Forest Resources assestment it shows how bad the condition of forests in Indonesia, with the rate of deforestation is 1.8 million hectares per year and the rate of forest destruction 2 percent per year.
Global warming has been blamed as the cause of back climate change, warming the Earth's temperature, sea level rise, melting of polar ice caps and a variety of emerging disease outbreaks. Many have analyzed that global warming is the cause of flooding, drought, or famine that threatens the planet and mankind today. This is clearly wrong. Global warming is not a new phenomenon, nor a phenomenon that occurs suddenly from the sky. Global warming is not the cause, he is due. As a result of the capitalistic mode of production.
Of the last sentence will cause wrinkle thinking among us. But the capitalistic mode of production is what spared analyzed many figures and academics around the world, even though environmentalists, which only focuses on environmental issues alone. Agrarian sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, mining and industry have historically been exploited by the capitalistic practices. Environmental destruction is not only happening in the neoliberal era but actually is a series of long history of oppression ranging from the colonial era.
It's good for a moment we see an example of a case in Juwangi, Boyolali. In this area the majority of farmers fields earn less than Rp 100 thousand in the corn growing season. An income that is not adequate to meet the minimum needs of four people in one family. Far from poverty indicators version of the World Bank in the amount of US $ 1 per day.
Boyolali just a small speck on a large map called Indonesia. Very invisible, but enough to give an idea of how the arrogance of certain parties to contribute to the poverty of their immortality. Ask them what it is global warming. Maybe they'll just stare without a word. Even if never heard of climate change, they are not necessarily understand the meaning. Not underestimate, but this is the reality that occurs due to the average education there only until junior high. One thing they know and feel is the season would promise never again. Pranotomongso no longer be used as a benchmark farming.
Back to the capitalistic mode of production, it is logical to say contributes to global warming ranging from rampant neoliberal era. Quoting said Sukarno, this new style colonial era marked a terrible production mode in which the smoke-billowing factory smoke blackened the air, millions of acres of land that dirangsek for giant plantations, building clawing the sky, and massive forest cleared. Entirely single-minded, for the sake of profit maximization. This production mode knows no bounds nor satisfaction to grow. The result is the numbers that only enjoyed a handful of giant corporations, developed countries, and individual owners of capital.
For illustration, we can consider a little in the food industry. Here, neoliberalism run in several ways. First, the giant monoculture plantations-intensive. For the sake of economies of scale, then thousands and even millions of hectares of forest land for planting dipapras particular commodity. This action is in addition to displacing, also perpetuates inequities of land ownership structure as the base of production. The use of fertilizers and pesticides also bad that makes small-scale farmers dependent on the agrochemical company. The rest, which occurs clearly oppression of man and the environment, because all these processes contribute greatly to the process of warming the planet.
Secondly, free trade, market deadly and domestic prices. It also controlled only by the big players of Asia sort Cargill, Tyson, ADM, General Mills and Charoen Phokpand. Worse yet, the free trade regime of free trade permitted by the World Trade Organization (WTO). And finally, the process of dumping cheap products from giant producers to local markets also went smoothly. Apples and pears from China, Thailand rice, apple Washington, US soybeans, meat Australia coming into our country is the result of this process. You can imagine how massive food transportation around the world. It is obviously contribute greatly to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions that lead to global warming.
There are several important notes towards the big event in Bali later. Many analyzes presented but not much advance the fundamental solution that touches people and the environment. Precisely various new offer made to perpetuate policies and practices of neoliberalism. The problems are more structural such as poverty and social injustice are not mentioned.
Bids Reducing Deforestation Developing Countries (REDD), carbon trading, obviously weaken the position of the people, especially those in poor and developing countries. Instead of being a structural solution to the problems of the people of today, this offer even back into dredging a turning point advantage for the owners of capital. With 3P principles (polluter Pays Principles) we paid to protect forests, but who continue to spread the smoke pollution are factories, automobiles and companies in developed countries. Some practices even carbon trading displace indigenous peoples from the territory, as events in Indonesia and Ecuador. This condition is described as climate injustice that will continue as long lasting neoliberal policies and practices take place on this earth.
Of the various regulations ranging from the Kyoto Protocol until towards Copenhagen next few years, there are two things we can underlined. First, the environment can be used as a new issue for realizing the new regime multilaterally, to regulate all aspects related thereto. Even the name of the environment, many projects can digolkan to provide biofuels (agrofuels) in poor and developing countries. This project will displace people back from the land and inevitably reproduce anymore unjust agrarian structure. Secondly, during this multilateral forum clearly less resonate with the people's movement. If the scenario creating environmental regime be true, then the current state of the problems that real people will not change much. While on the other hand, at the level of the base was already a lot of practices, which although on a small scale, it promotes social justice and ecological justice. Family-based sustainable agriculture are environmentally friendly, in fact very little to emit greenhouse gases because it uses organic material obtained independently. In many countries, it has become the practice of lay like in India called natural farming, agriculture natural harmony in Indonesia and various other variants.