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Incoterms 2020: The Seven New Rules

7 Agustus 2020   20:31 Diperbarui: 7 Agustus 2020   20:45 240
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Carriage Arrangement for terms FCA, DPA, DPU & DPP

Due to term D that states the responsibilities and risks of the goods fall upon the seller, Incoterm 2020 now emphasizes that the seller has the right to arrange the contract of transportation to the transportation party. On the other hand, term F states that it is the buyer who has the right to arrange the contract of carriage to the transportation party.

Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU)

Sixth, this is the most crucial point that has changed in incoterms 2020. Previously, the term Delivered at Place (DAT) had a broad meaning that often confused users. The change made to the term, which is now called Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU), affirms that the seller has the responsibility to do the unloading, as long as the contract states so.


Incoterms 2020 is stated in points A7 or B7, explaining that the responsibilities of the parties in terms of the transportation process also include security responsibilities.

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