Indonesian government’s strong commitment for promoting clean, new and renewable energy has been reflected in the Vision 25/25 document. It calls for 25% New and Renewable Energy (NRE) sources to be provided in 2025. The government will achieve this vision by diversifying energy sources through various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives,as well rationalizing the energy use. While the later policy is seen as a quite difficult undertaking given the current low energy consumption per capita, the prospect for expanding the source for alternative energy has been enormous. The availability of vast array of energy choices is ranging from cleaning the coal to biofuel, from solar energy to shale oil. Despite the recent advances of enhance oil recovery, shale gas and oil in the US for example (US Energy Information Administration predict that by 2035 shale gas will have a share of 46%, as opposed to 1% in 2000 and 10% in 2010), the pursuit for renewable energy is gaining more support from the promoter of sustainable development. Indonesia’s commitment to unilaterally reduce its GHG emission by 26% in 2020 has again demonstrated its leadership on global search for more sustainable energy sources.
25/30 is more realistic and optimistic
renewable energy continue to be developed and optimized by changing the mindset (Mid-set) of new renewable energy not just as an energy alternative to fossil fuels, but it should be the main core of national energy supply with posi 17% in 2025 (Presidential Decree on. 5/2006 on national energy policy) in the form bifuel> 5%, geothermal> 5%, more EBT> 5%, and liquid coal> 3%, while other energy is still supplied by oil <20%, Natural Gas> 30%, and coal> 33%. Government committed to achieving 25/30 vision, that the utilization of renewable energy to 25% in 2030 (originally predicted 25/25, but in practice allegedly not be achieved). In January 2012, the secretary general of united nation encourage the use of renewable energy world twofold (from 15% to 30%) by 2030, especially the developing countries is currently in charge of at least 50% of the global renewable energy capacity.
Programs to achieve its target of 25% renewable energy is rural power, interconnect generating renewable energy, the development of biogas, an energy independent village, integrated microhydro Development program (IMIDAP), Solar Power Plant for urban, biofuel development, project acceleration power plants 10 GW phase II from renewable Energy (Geothermal and Hydro), and additional generating capacity of 35 GW. Allocation of funds on renewable energy programs and energy conservation in the state budget (State Budget Amendment) in 2015 approximately Rp. 1.04 trillion. In order to increase production and consumption of energy in fiscal year 2016, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources proposed a budget 10 times, which is about Rp. 10 Trillion. In the next 10 years requires Rp. 2000 Trillion to accelerate the development of new renewable energy.
The government will add capacity of 35 GW of electricity supply by 2019, 24 GW of coal plant remaining and 11 GW of new renewable energy. Currently renewable energy accounts for only 10.7 GW of 53GW. Plans new renewable energy amounting to 11 GW comes from geothermal power plants of 4.9 GW; Hydroelectric 13.4 GW; Bioenergy 2.8 GW; Solar power plants 0.25 GW; wind power plants 0,044 GW, and sea currents power plants 1 MW. While the resource potential ET, according to the Ministry of EMR are: Hydro 75 GW; Solar 112 GW; biofuels 32 GW; wind 0.95 GW; geothermal 28.8 GW; and the sea 60 GW.
The entire plant will be gradually increased its capacity from 2015 until 2019. The development of new renewable energy refers to the local situation and the potential energy in each region. For example sources: solar power and thermal power station; Sukabumi: Wind power plants. The government supports innovation utilization of solar power, for example, for street lighting, and also the installation of solar panels on the roofs of shopping centers, malls, government buildings, even housing residents so that they get the power supplies themselves (Solar pwer plants 1m square will generate power of 100 W with cost of Rp. 2 million).
In 2016, SPP built as many as 109 units (18.4 MW in total) spread across Indonesia, and consists of hybrid SPP, Floating solar power, solar power rooftop airports, the MHP 25 units (1.6 MW) wind power station 1 unit ( 850 kW), garbage unit (1500kW), Biogas power plant (Pome) 3 units (3000kW), Bio Seaweed power plant 1 unit (1000kW), and Nabati power plant 1 unit (5000kW).
Efforts to diversify the sources of energy other than petroleum continue to be made, including the utilization of gas, coal, and renewable energy (water / micro hydro, geothermal, biomass, solar, wind, wave / ocean currents, BB Nabati, nuclear green / thorium, liquefied coal, gasified coal, and gas hydrates). Law no.30 of 2007 classifies that New Energy comprises nuclear (green), hydrogen, coal bed methane (CBM, Coal Bed Methane), liquified coal, and gasified coal. Meanwhile, reneweble energy consists of geothermal, wind , bioenergy, solar light / solar, water flow and waterfall, and the movement and the temperature difference of sea layer.
corporate green initiatives
PT PLN (State Electricity Company) to develop CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) sustainable form of development in DME (Rp30miliar, 2012) in order to reach in remote areas that have not been electrified using existing infrastructure in the vicinity as energy generation, such as MHP (eg: Watu length of 25 kWh / 63KK, Probolinggo, East Java) / SPP (eg PLTS SEHEN / Super Extra Low Energy, in Sota, Merauke, Papua) / Bayu power plants / Waste power plants/ Â Biomass, biogas, etc. DME is expected to insufficient development of electricity in remote communities, and it also have a positive impact to the PLN itself and the relevant stakeholders.Â
One example of CSR help: PT PLN (Persero) Head Office mandated the PT PJB (a subsidiary of PLN) to develop DME near the project site, for example Sumberejo, Pasuruan, (2 units, 2x850 W), Bondowoso (10 units, 10x850W) , Trenggalek (4 units), Tulungagung (2 units), Jabung (Malang), Bergas Kidul (Ungaran), Kalongan and Coral Sulang (Semarang), Pilang Umbrella (Grobogan), Karang Mukti (Subang), Karyamukti and Lebakwangi (Bandung) , Rajagaluh (Majalengka), Parung Banteng and Cadassari (Purwakarta), Pasanggrahan (Garut), Purworejo (10 units), Brebes (10 units), Pandesari (Malang, Ciherang (Cianjur), Cipendeuy (Bandung Barat), Agrabinta (Garut) . PLN NTB: develop solar power plants in 9 hamlets scattered in Kab. Lombok North, Central, West, East, Regency Bima, and Kab. Dompu. Meanwhile, Minister for Rural, PDT & T encourages other state and private entrepreneurs to continue to develop DME in remote areas via CSR.