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Ilmu Sosbud

Explanation, Hortatory, Analytical, News Item

10 Juni 2023   00:04 Diperbarui: 10 Juni 2023   00:09 82
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Explanation text - How are rainbows created? Have you seen a rainbow? it is beautiful, isn't it? Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is occured when there is refraction of sunlight in the air by water molecules in the air. Do you know how rainbows can actually exist? Here is the explanation. Main thing that can make a rainbow exist is light. When a rainbow occurs naturally the light is usually from the sunlight. Sunlight is the light that comes from the Sun. It looks white, but it's actually made up of different colors. You might have seen these colors when light passes through a glass prism or a crystal and creates a colorful pattern. 

Now, let's talk about raindrops. When it rains, tiny drops of water fill the air. These water droplets act like small mirrors for the sunlight. When sunlight enters a raindrop, something interesting happens. The sunlight changes direction as it enters the raindrop. This change in direction is called refraction. It's similar to when you try to walk in a straight line but end up bending when you step into water. But that's not all! Inside the raindrop, the sunlight gets split into its different colors. This splitting is called dispersion. The raindrop separates the sunlight into colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color has its own wavelength and looks different to our eyes. 

After the colors separate, they bounce off the inside of the raindrop and come back out. These bouncing colors create a circular arc of colors in the sky. We see this arc as a rainbow! The order of the colors in a rainbow is always the same. The outer part of the rainbow is red, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet on the inside. It's important to remember that rainbows can only happen when there are raindrops in the air and sunlight shining through them at the same time. 

So, the next time you see a rainbow after the rain, you'll know that it's nature's way of showing us the beautiful colors hidden in sunlight and raindrops coming together. Hortatory - why we need to use electrical vehicles. In our efforts to create a cleaner and greener world, it is crucial that we consider alternative solutions to address climate change and reduce our impact on the environment. One such solution is the use of electric cars. 

In this text, I will present compelling reasons why we should embrace electric vehicles and encourage everyone to join in creating a sustainable future. Switching to electric vehicles brings significant environmental benefits. Unlike traditional vehicles, electric vehicles produce zero emissions, meaning they do not release harmful pollutants into the air. By driving electric vehicles,, we can reduce air pollution and improve the quality of the air we breathe. This action plays a crucial role in combating climate change and its impacts. 

Reducing Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Electric vehicles rely on electricity as their main source of power, which can be generated from renewable energy sources like the sun and wind. By transitioning to electric vehicles, we can decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to the conservation of finite resources. Shifting towards renewable energy in the transportation sector is vital for a sustainable energy future. Although electric vehicles may have higher initial costs compared to traditional vehicles, they offer significant savings in the long run. Electric vehicles have lower operating and maintenance costs due to fewer mechanical components and less reliance on fossil fuels. 

Moreover, many governments and utility companies provide incentives and tax credits to make electric vehicles more affordable for consumers. The rapid progress in electric vehicle technology has led to improvements in driving range, battery efficiency, and charging infrastructure. With the development of fast-charging stations and longer-lasting batteries, concerns about limited range are becoming less significant. Ongoing innovation and investment in electric vehicle technology will make them even more practical and convenient for everyday use.

So, my conclusion is that by embracing electric vehicles, we can make a positive impact on the environment, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, save money in the long run, and contribute to the ongoing technological advancements in the electric vehicle industry. Let us all join hands in embracing electric vehicles as a crucial step towards a cleaner and sustainable future. 

Together, we can make a difference. Analytical - Mobile Phones in Education: A Closer Look Mobile phones have become a part of our daily lives, and they also have a role to play in education. This text will explore how mobile phones are used in education and the impact they have on students' learning experiences. Mobile phones offer easy access to information. Students can use their phones to find e-books, educational apps, and websites. This helps them do research, learn new things, and get different perspectives on subjects. Mobile phones also let students connect with their classmates and teachers outside of class, promoting collaboration. 

Mobile phones provide flexibility and convenience in learning. Students can learn at their own pace and in their preferred environment. They can access learning materials anytime and anywhere. Mobile phones can also include videos and interactive elements, making learning more fun. However, mobile phones can be distracting. Students may get notifications and be tempted to use social media or play games instead of studying. This can affect their focus and grades.

Mobile phones can also lead to cheating or copying from the internet. Students can easily search for answers, which can discourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It's important for schools to have rules on responsible phone use to address these issues. 

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